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Showing 4241 to 4250 from 16231 results
Mithula Maniam ID : (TR27953) Add to Shortlist
  • Part-Time Tutor
    I am a Male Indian 29 year old tutor with 2 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification

    Bachelor in Nursing - Griffith University
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Pre-school - English, Malay, Tamil, Maths, Phonics
    Primary - English , Tamil , Maths , Science , Phonics , Higher Malay , Higher Tamil
  • Experience
    I have been teaching online class for oversea student. i speak English Malay Tamil Fluently.For 2 years. I love to teach and Im Nurse with doing my Master in Education. will provide materials free.i can do face to face class.will help school work.
Derrick Wong ID : (TR27952) Add to Shortlist
  • Full-Time Tutor
    I am a Male Chinese 28 year old tutor with 7 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification

    Law, 2nd Upper Honours - SMU
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    O level - English, Social Studies , Hist/S.Studies
    A level - General Paper
  • Experience
    I have a total of 7 years of tutoring experience as a private tutor and teacher in various centres. I specialise in teaching English, History, Social Studies, and General Paper for secondary and JC students. Recent students from TJC, TMJC, YIJC, and CJC. Currently, I have 4 students for this subject in JC2 and all of them are scoring at least a D or better, and 2 of them scoring a B in their recent school exams. They were previously scoring S/U and some have only joined late last year.
Aloysius Chia ID : (TR27951) Add to Shortlist
  • Part-Time Tutor
    I am a Male Chinese 22 year old tutor with 2 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    PSLE - Catholic High School (Primary Section)
    O Level - Catholic High School (Secondary)
    A Level - HCJC

  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    O level - E Maths , A Maths , Physics , Chemistry
    A level - Maths , Physics , Chemistry
    Special Skills - SAT Maths
  • Experience
    School Attended: Hwa Chong Institution Relevant Results: Pure Phy A1, Pure Chem A1, H2 Phy A, H2 Chem A Tutoring Experience (in years): 2.5 Brief description of your experience: Tutored a sec 3 and sec 4 pure chem and phy, went from C5 to A2 in 4 months.
Anuar Ikhwan ID : (TR27949) Add to Shortlist
  • Current Teacher
    I am a Male Others 59 year old tutor with 28-30 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification

  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    O level - Geo/S.Studies
    Special Skills - Group Tuition
  • Experience
    Taught in Victoria School since 1993. HOD of IT up to 2011. Currently Flexi-Adjunct Teacher, focusing on Upper Secondary Combined Humanities (Social Studies and Geography Elective).
Haresh Kumar ID : (TR27948) Add to Shortlist
  • Full-Time Tutor
    I am a Male Indian 24 year old tutor with 3 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    PSLE - Radin Mas Primary School
    IB - Anglo-Chinese School Independent

    Economics - SMU
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    O level - English, E Maths , A Maths , Physics
    A level - Physics , Economics
    IB / IGCSE - Physics , Economics , Theory of Knowledge
    Special Skills - Integrated Programme, Group Tuition, SAT English, SAT Maths
  • Experience
    I will be going to SMU to pursue Economics, but I do plan to do either a double Major program or a minor in Physics For the Secondary Sector, I tutored 8 Secondary 4 students for Pure Physics and English. (2021 O Level Exams) My resources and guidance were quintessential in allowing them to improve from C5/B4 to a distinction grade. (A1/A2) I was on the Dean's List during my IB Program for both HL Economics and HL Physics due to my outstanding results in both subjects. I have consequently accepted a place to undertake an Economics degree in SMU, and as part of a scholarship that I have been offered, I will also be finishing my Masters and PHD in Economics. For the IB Program, I have taught a total of 17 students across 2 examination sessions. For the May 2021 Examinations I taught 3 HL Economics Students and 5 HL Physics Students. For the November 2021 Examinations, I tutored 5 HL Economics Students and 4 HL Physics Students. All 17 of my students, were able to see grade improvements whereby even the toughest student was able to jump from a grade 3 to a grade 6. 14 out of the 17 students I have taken so far have achieved a perfect grade 7, and that is testament to my compilation of resources and the understanding that I have of the IB Syllabus. I am a committed and dedicated tutor who has a passion for tutoring students and I intend to pursue a career in lecturing/teaching Economics. I am also very flexible in terms of adapting to different learning styles and parent needs/wants, which I feel is one of the main reasons why I would be a perfect fit for many students in this day and age, when there are a lot of uncertainties around us.
Sarala Tamilsegar ID : (TR27947) Add to Shortlist
  • Current Teacher
    I am a Female Indian 52 year old tutor with 21-23 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification

    Bachelor of Education - Flinders University
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Pre-school - English, Maths, Creative Writing
    Primary - English , Maths
  • Experience
    I am teaching English and Maths in Canossa Catholic Primary school. Currently am an educator in Canossian School teaching students with hearing loss in mainstream setting. I am specialised in lower primary Mathematics and English as well as students with special needs like ASD,ADHD, ID and students with numeracy and literacy deficits. I am do behaviour intervention and assessment for students for reading needs. I am both mainstream and special needs trained teacher. I am an experienced Teacher and in this professional field for 23 years. I started relief teaching in Secondary school and gradually upgraded myself to become a specialized educator to teach students with special needs in an inclusive setting.
Linda Chiu ID : (TR27945) Add to Shortlist
  • Part-Time Tutor
    I am a Female Chinese 30 year old tutor with 5 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    O Level - Northbrooks Sec School

    Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Engineering - SIT
    Energy and Sustainability - NewRIIS - Newcastle Research & Innovation Institute
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Pre-school - Chinese
    Primary - Chinese
    O level - Chinese , L. Sec Maths, E Maths , Physics , Physics/Chem , Higher Chinese
  • Experience
    Used to teach 8 students ( 6 in my undergraduate days and 2 as a part time tutor after graduating from University). Taught Mathematics and Chinese language, some of my students for Chinese classes are non Chinese which include a Malay, Canadian as well as Armenian students. Taught Canadian and Armenian students for Chinese, they’re from the international school. Some other students , as of what I could remember is Sembawang primary & north view primary school I scored distinctions for my Chinese Language and Mathematics ( Both E and A) in O levels. I am bilingual and the proficient in Chinese is due to my education background in Malaysia during my primary school days hence my Chinese teaching style will be not the same as how it is usually taught in Singapore. I graduated with a Engineering bachelor hence Mathematics has always been my strong subject. I am expecting to graduate from my postgraduate study ( MSc ) soon and is working as a researcher that deals with mathematical and physics related issues daily. Hence, I am very confident to teach Mathematics. Thinking to venture into physic classes as well given my strong knowledge and background in my undergraduate and post graduate studies. Used to guide students from SIT as a mentor representing one of the MNC for a challenge held by NTU, Shell and DNVGL, the group won commendation award.
Calvin Marc Gerrard Mission ID : (TR27944) Add to Shortlist
  • Part-Time Tutor
    I am a Male Eurasian 35 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    PSLE - St Anthony's Primary
    O Level - Saint Joseph's Institution
    A Level - AJC

    Mechanical Engineering - NUS
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Primary - Maths
  • Experience
    I've taught Combined Science tuition to Sec 3 student back in 2007-2008. I enjoy teaching young kids and am pretty patient - looking to teach Primary Maths now.
Ramya Rajagopalan ID : (TR27943) Add to Shortlist
  • Part-Time Tutor
    I am a Female Indian 45 year old tutor with 5 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    O Level - SCIMA, Chennai

  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Pre-school - English
    Primary - Hindi
    O level - Accounting , Hindi
    Language - Hindi
  • Experience
    5 years of total work experience. Been coaching my daughter in Hindi who just completed her O levels.
Hoe Wei Qi ID : (TR27942) Add to Shortlist
  • Ex-Teacher
    I am a Female Chinese 32 year old tutor with 5 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    PSLE - Geylang Methodist Primary School
    O Level - Dunman High School
    A Level - DHS
    Bachelor of Science in Physics (Honours) - NUS
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    O level - Physics
    A level - Physics
    Special Skills - Integrated Programme, Group Tuition
  • Experience
    I've spent five years teaching upper secondary Physics at Nanyang Girls High School, which is one of the best schools in Singapore, and had a short teaching stint at Dunman High as well. Thus, I'm familiar with the Integrated Programme (IP) and would be best at helping students in such a system. I've managed to help students to improve by four - six grades (e.g. C6 > A2 or E8 > B4) by providing them with a combination of Physics content help and also general study tips. I've taught students who were already excellent in their own right and I was able to stretch them further, so that they can achieve their full potential. Students find me humourous and I've often been described as relatable. I am sincere, patient and invested in bringing out the best in everyone. I feel that many students just need a push in the right direction to achieve their potential and I am committed to helping them get there. I'm able to help students manage their emotional needs as well, while coaching them in strategies to help them improve. I'm a recipient of the MOE Teaching Award and have had excellent results throughout my education. I'm also able to converse in English and Chinese fluently.
Showing 4241 to 4250 from 16231 results