Full-Time Tutor I am a Male Chinese 38 year old tutor with 9 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
A Level - TPJC
Electrical and Electronic engineering. - NTU Ph.D in EEE - NTU
My Teaching Subject(s)
O level - E Maths , A Maths , Physics A level - Physics , H3 Modern Physics
9 years academic coach in Singapore Sports School. 2 years tutoring undergrads foundation physics. About 2 years of private tutoring H1/H2 Physics. About 9 students on hand.
Coached H3 Physics for 1 year. 1 student N'lvl physics and 4 students IP physics
My students were from Nyjc, njc, ajc, acjc, cjc, tpjc. Various grade improvements but they should be credited for those. Prelims have seen from E to C/B and A-Lvl have seen from C/D to A/B. Private students from E/S to B/C
Current Teacher I am a Male Chinese 45 year old tutor with 9 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
Microbiology - NTU Masters in Education - NIE
My Teaching Subject(s)
O level - L. Sec Science , Chemistry , Biology , Bio/Chem IB / IGCSE - Chemistry, Biology Special Skills - Integrated Programme
Currently in CHIJ Toa Payoh teaching science.
I am a current MOE teacher teaching lower sec science, upper sec biology and chemistry (pure and combined; express and NA)
Previously I was in Xinmin Sec school teaching both upper Sec biology and chemistry and lower sec science.
I also taught in Dunman High school for 5 years.
I have been giving tuition for the last 9 years.
Besides giving tuition to main stream students, I tutor students in IGCSE and IB as well. Last year, one IGCSE boy scored A* for chemistry and A for biology.
Past few years, my graduating students have been getting at least A2 for both chemistry and biology.
Current students include grade 11 IB, sec 3, O-level students taking pure chemistry, biology or combined bio/chem.
Thorough explanation of concepts. guide students on how to analyse questions and what kind of answers to give. Extra worksheets and exam papers will be provided for practices.
Current, sec 3 boy taking pure chemistry scored A1 for year-end exams.
Current Teacher I am a Male Chinese 37 year old tutor with 10 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
Diploma-NIE Bachelor in Science - NUS
My Teaching Subject(s)
A level - Chemistry
I am teaching in National JC specialise in Chemistry for about 8 years.
Home tutored students in other JCs for more than 10 years, improved their grades to distinctions.
Up to date with the latest syllabus and exam formats
Part-Time Tutor I am a Female Chinese 28 year old tutor with 3 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - Rulang Pri Sch O Level - Yuan Ching Sec Sch
Business - NTU
My Teaching Subject(s)
Pre-school - English, Chinese, Maths Primary - Chinese , Maths , Science , Higher Chinese O level - Chinese , L. Sec Maths, L. Sec Science , E Maths , A Maths , Physics/Chem , Accounting , Higher Chinese A level - Economics
3 years of experience teaching secondary school A math and E math with over 10 students. Students improve from 21-73, 45-86, 52 - 97, 65-98
Ex-Teacher I am a Female Chinese 55 year old tutor with 20 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
Bachelor in Science - 1
My Teaching Subject(s)
O level - L. Sec Maths, L. Sec Science , E Maths , A Maths , Physics , Chemistry , Physics/Chem
I was a full time teacher at SNGS, NYGH and RI for about 20 years. Currently relief teaching (LSS) at NYGH.
8 years tutoring experience and currently part time teacher.
Undergrad I am a Male Chinese 30 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
Mechanical Engineering - NTU
My Teaching Subject(s)
Primary - Chinese , Maths , Science , Higher Chinese O level - Chinese , Higher Chinese
Related Grades/Results:
A for PSLE Chinese.
Distinction for PSLE Higher Chinese.
A1 for O Level Chinese
A2 for O Level Higher Chinese.
Had been temporary studentcare teacher at Little Professor offering tuition assistance before enlisting army in 2013.
Currently a relief teacher, taking classes occasionally at Providence Care. Covering classes from P3-P6 for Math and Science. Covered a class for P2 Chinese.