2nd Upper Honors (Chemical Engineering - NUS 2006),
Dean's List (NUS) - Top student of cohort 2003/2004, Perfect 5.0 CAP score
*Member of Mensa (99th Percentile)
*Member of International High IQ Society (IQ score: 165)
*Member of International Legion of Intelligence (Intertel) (99th percentile)
Taught H1 and H2 Chemistry at Saint Andrew's JC in 2010, 13 years of tuition experience since 2005. Full time tutoring since 2011. I currently do not have SJI students but I am teaching A/E maths to 4 IP students (2 from Temasek JC, 1 from VJC and 1 from Dunman High)
Current JC students:
I am currently teaching A level H2 Chemistry to:
2 Tampines Meridian JC2 students,
1 Saint Andrews JC2 student,
1 Yishun Innova JC2 Student,
1 NYJC J1 girl
1 ACS(I) Year 5 student (HL Chemistry)
Past Tutoring Experience:
2022 results:
VJC girl got A for H2 Chem
HCJC girl got B for H2 Chem (improved from U grade in year 1 Promos)
ACJC student got B for H2 Chem
SAJC girl got A for H2 Chemisty in Promos Exam and got into Dean's List.
Pulled up grade of TMJC student from U in mid year to B for H2 Chemistry Promos
2021 results:
ACJC J1 boy topped his class with an A for Chemistry Promos exams: 80-100 Percentile. Improved from a U for mid years
He scored a B for math: 60-80 percentile
VJC J1 girl scored an A for Chemistry Promos exams: 75 marks out of 100 (80-100 Percentile)
MJC J1 boy scored a B for Chemistry Promos exams: 60-80 Percentile
Temasek JC J2 boy got A (82 marks/100) for H1 Maths Prelims
Temasek JC J2 girl got A (74 marks/100)
for H1 Maths Prelims
Temasek Secondary 4 boy scored 91 for E.Maths prelims. Chemistry and Physics improved to B4 and B3 respectively from C6 at end of Sec 3.
He obtained A1 for A.Math, A2 for Pure Chemistry, Physics and E.Math for O levels
Changkat Secondary 3 boy improved from C5 in science at end of sec 2 to obtaining As for both Combined Chemisty and Physics. Weighted Assessment results are as follows: (WA1, 2 & 3 respectively)
Chemistry: 76%, 76%, 72%
Physics: 72%, 80%, 96%
Scored A2 (73%) for end of year exams.
Achieved 3rd in level for Combined Science.
Won Good Progress and Good Achievement Awards twice each for Science.
CHIJ (St. Joseph's Convent) Secondary 4 girl obtained A2 for both Pure Chemistry (74%) and Pure Physics (72%) for Prelims.
ACS(I) secondary 3 boy improved from C6 in math to obtaining B3 for A.Math for end of year exams.
Bedok South Seconday 3 girl obtained A1 (85 marks) for A.Maths and A2 (70 marks) for E.Maths for end of year exams.
Bedok South Secondary 3 boy improved from only passing Science once in sec 1 and 2 to an A1 for his first Combined Chemistry test, topping his class (76%) and an A1 for end of year exams (84%).
Improved to a B4 (61%) for A.Maths from C6 for End of Year Exams. Won the Best Progress Award.
Ngee Ann Secondary 2 boy obtained As for both Science (79%) and Maths (81%).
2020 results:
Ngee Ann sec 3 girl: pure chemistry improved from B4 at mid year to A2 (70 marks) for end of year exams, Physics improved from E8 to B3 (66 marks)
St. Hilda's sec 3 boy: Combined chemisty improved from F9 to B4 in 2 months
CHIJ sec 3 girl: Scored A1 for chemistry and A2 for physics for end of year exams
Hai Sing Catholic High Sec 4 Indian boy: Chemistry improved from C6 at beginning of sec 4 to A1 for prelims
3 different ACS Barker boys:
Boy1: A.Math improved from F9 at end of sec 3 to A1 for prelims, Chemistry improved from F9 to A2
Boy 2: Obtained A1 for both A and E maths for prelims
Boy 3: Obtained A2 for A. Maths and A1 for E. Maths for prelims
TJC J1 girl: Obtained A for H1 maths at promos
VJC boy: H2 maths improved from S at promos to C for prelims
2019 results:
NYJC J2 student: Scored A for H2 Chemistry in A levels
VJC J1 student: Scored A for Chemistry in promos
TJC J1 student: Scored A for both Maths and Chemistry in Promos
TJC J1 girl: Chemistry improved from U to E grade for Promos
2 Hwa Chong international IB grade 12 students: One scored a grade 6 out of 7, the other a 5 for Chemistry in Prelims
TJC IP year 4 student: Scored A for both math at end of year exams
Dunman Sec 3 student: Improved from F9 in mid year to B3 at end of year for Chemistry
2018 O level results:
Student from Anglican High:
A. Maths: A1, E. Maths: A1, Chemistry: A2, Physics: A2
Student from TKGS: A.Maths: A2, E.Maths: A1, Chemistry: A2, Physics: B3
Pasir Ris Sec School boy: Combined Chemistry and Physics: A2
Current IP students:
1 Dunman High girl (A/E Maths and Chemistry)
1 Temasek JC boy (A/E Maths and Chemistry)
1 Temasek JC girl (A/E Maths)
1 VJC boy (A/E Maths)
Current JC students:
I am currently teaching IB HL Chemistry and Math to 3 Hwa Chong International students. I have past experience teaching IB students (pls refer to 2015 experience below).
I am currently teaching A level H2 math to:
1 Catholic JC2 student,
1 Temasek JC2 student
I am currently teaching A level H2 Chemistry to:
1 Meridian JC2 student,
1 Nanyang JC2 student,
1 Catholic JC2 student,
Current Secondary School students:
I€™m currently teaching O level A.maths to a sec 4 TKGS girl (results went up from F9 to A2 for A.maths).
1 sec 4 Anglican boy (Chemistry went up from C6 to A1).
I am also teaching A/E Math, Chemistry and Physics to 3 ACS (Barker) boys and 1 Katong Convent girl.
Past Tutoring Experience:
2018 O level results:
Taught an Anglican High: A. Maths: A1, E. Maths: A1, Chemistry: A2, Physics: A2
Girl from TKGS: A.Maths: A2, E.Maths: A1, Chemistry: A2, Physics: B3
Pasir Ris Sec School boy: Combined Chemistry and Physics: A2
Taught a Pasir Ris SS sec 3 boy combined science Chemistry (went from E8 to B3 at EOY exams - topped the class).
Taught a TKGS sec 3 girl A.math (went from F9 to A2 at EOY exams).
Taught an Anglican High sec 3 boy A.math (went from C6 to A1 at EOY exams - 3rd in class).
Taught an ACS (Barker) sec 4 boy combined science Chemistry and Physics (went from C6 to A1 at O levels).
Taught an ACS (Barker) sec 3 boy E.Math (went from F9 to A2 at EOY exams).
Taught a Temasek JC girl H2 C.Math (went from U to C for Prelims).
Taught a Temasek JC girl H1 Math (went from U to A for A levels).
Taught a Meridian JC boy H2 Chemistry (went from E to B for Prelims - 3rd in class).
Taught a Tampines JC boy H2 Chemistry (scored A for Promos)
Taught a Hwa Chong JC boy H2 Chemistry and C.Math (scored A for both subjects (total 6 As) for A levels - now in NUS Medical School). Taught him since 2013 - scored 6 A1s for 2014 O levels, including 4 subjects I taught - Chemistry, Physics, A and E Math.
Taught a VIctoria JC boy H2 Chemistry (scored A (total 5 As) for A levels).
Taught A Victoria JC girl H2 Chemistry (went from U to B for A levels).
Taught a Tampines SS sec 4 boy pure Chemistry and Physics (scored A1 for Chemistry and A2 for Physics for O levels).
Taught a TKSS sec 4 boy A and E Math (scored A1 for both subjects for O levels).
Taught an ACS (International) girl IB Chemistry (scored max 7 points for IB exams).
Taught an ACS (International) boy IB Chemistry (scored 6 points for IB exams).
Taught a SJI boy IB Chemistry
(scored max 7 points for IB exams).
Teaching subjects:
O lvl & IGCSE: A/E math, Chemistry, Physics
A lvl & IB: Chemistry and Math