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Showing 5381 to 5390 from 16226 results
Agnes Lim Yik Wen ID : (TR26174) Add to Shortlist
  • Part-Time Tutor
    I am a Female Chinese 34 year old tutor with 0 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification

    Bachelor of Business and Commerce - Monash University Malaysia Campus
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    O level - Accounting
    A level - Accounting
  • Experience
    I am a ex-auditor who has more than 7 years of auditing experience. I have experiences in conducting trainings to audit assistants and audit seniors for the past 4 to 5 years. Well verse in accounting concept and able to relate the real life examples to the accounting theories.
Jeremy Ng Sze Jie ID : (TR26173) Add to Shortlist
  • Part-Time Tutor
    I am a Male Chinese 25 year old tutor with 0 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    O Level - Fairfield Methodist Secondary School
    A Level - ACJC

  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    O level - English, L. Sec Maths, E Maths , A Maths
  • Experience
    I don't have any formal teaching experience but I've mentored my peers in the past and attained the highest possible grades in national exams for the subjects I'm interested in teaching, English and Mathematics.
Qaisara Mohd Ziad Khan ID : (TR26170) Add to Shortlist
  • Poly Student
    I am a Female Malay 21 year old tutor with 0 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    PSLE - Chongzheng Primary School
    O Level - St. Anthonys Canossian Secondary School

  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Pre-school - English, Malay, Maths
    Primary - English , Malay, Maths
    O level - English, Malay
  • Experience
Arzoo Arora ID : (TR26168) Add to Shortlist
  • Part-Time Tutor
    I am a Female Indian 31 year old tutor with 0 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification

  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Pre-school - Maths
    Primary - Maths
    O level - A Maths
    A level - Maths , Economics , Management of Business
    IB / IGCSE - Business & Management, Economics
    Diploma / Degree - Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Economics
    Language - English , Hindi
  • Experience
B K Mufruhah ID : (TR26166) Add to Shortlist
  • Undergrad
    I am a Female Indian 26 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    PSLE - Geylang Methodist Primary School
    O Level - Tanjong Katong Girls School
    A Level - NJC

  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Pre-school - English, Tamil, Maths
    Primary - Tamil , Maths , Higher Tamil
    O level - Tamil , E Maths , Accounting , Higher Tamil
    A level - Tamil Studies
    Language - English
  • Experience
    I have an accumulated experience of providing tuition services for about a year. I volunteered at Newton Primary School in their childcare centre to teach the students in both english and mathematics for 1 year. I received feedback from the childcare teachers that the students I was handling had improvement in grades and they were able to understand better when they were teaching as well. Furthermore, I have had numerous experiences in handling kids as I worked at Singapore Discovery Centre where I worked as the tour guide for primary school learning journeys and also worked as a facilitator in Tamil Camps.
Nancy Cheong ID : (TR26165) Add to Shortlist
  • Full-Time Tutor
    I am a Female Chinese 62 year old tutor with 21-23 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification

  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Primary - Chinese , Higher Chinese
    O level - Chinese , Higher Chinese
  • Experience
Veron Ng ID : (TR26164) Add to Shortlist
  • Part-Time Tutor
    I am a Female Chinese 31 year old tutor with 8 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    O Level - 2010

    Economics - 1
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    O level - E Maths
    A level - Economics
    IB / IGCSE - Economics
  • Experience
    I have tutored for 8 to 9 years since uni. A hands-on teacher, I adapt my teaching based on the students' needs/weakness. I believe every student learns differently and there is a need to tailor lessons. Towards examination periods, I take initiative to focus on weaker areas, time management skills, and supplementing more practice papers. I keep lessons light heartened and weave in daily scenarios/examples to help students grasp concepts better. I have coached many JC econs students. They went on to score As and Bs during A levels. I strengthen fundamental concepts before moving to writing skills, application and time management. I also prepare concept notes, provide real world examples and mark additional essays out of class. In 2020, I taught 4 H2 econs students (NJC, ACJC, SAJC& ASRJC) about 3 mths before their A lvl. They were scoring D to S but within that short time, one went on to score a B for her stimulated paper and 2 scored C. Other past records: 2016 - 2 YJC H2 econs student, one from E to B and another from C to A 2017 - 1 IJC H2 econs student, from S to B 2018 and 2019 - YJC H2 econs student J1 to J2 (2 years) A levels A
Nicholas Lee ID : (TR26163) Add to Shortlist
  • Part-Time Tutor
    I am a Male Chinese 30 year old tutor with 2 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification

    BSc Economics and Finance (Hons) - SIM
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Primary - English , Maths , Science
    O level - L. Sec Maths
  • Experience
    I taught primary school EMS at a small tuition centre for a year before moving to teach P4 AEIS English and Math for about a year.
Adeline Pan ID : (TR26162) Add to Shortlist
  • Full-Time Tutor
    I am a Female Chinese 42 year old tutor with 20 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management - University of Portsmouth
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Pre-school - English, Maths, Creative Writing, Phonics
    Primary - English , Maths , Science , Creative Writing , Phonics
    O level - L. Sec Maths, L. Sec Science , E Maths , A Maths
    IB / IGCSE - Mathematics
    Language - English
    Special Skills - Integrated Programme, Adult Training, Group Tuition
  • Experience
    I started tutoring primary and secondary school students since my college days. I went on to specialise in teaching speech and drama, phonics, creative writing as well as teaching English to speakers of other languages. I am currently teaching Math and Science to primary school students secondary school students. My students achieve grade A for the subjects I've taught them in. Some of them were awarded top of the level in their school.
Sunny Wong ID : (TR26161) Add to Shortlist
  • Current Teacher
    I am a Male Chinese 46 year old tutor with 20 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification

    Bachelor of Business Administration - NUS
    Master of Business Administration - University of Strathclyde
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    O level - Accounting
    A level - Accounting , Management of Business
    IB / IGCSE - Business & Management
    Diploma / Degree - Business Admin, Finance , Accounting
    Special Skills - Adult Training, Group Tuition
  • Experience
    I have been teaching accounting and finance diploma in a local polytechnic as well as university courses for more than 10 years. I have been awarded best teaching awards by the schools in recognition of teaching excellence as well as my students' excellent results under my guidance. I have taught POA to secondary school students who later on pursued ACCA and under my guidance they were able to achieve excellent results in their exams. Many of my ex-students are now working in accounting firms.
Showing 5381 to 5390 from 16226 results