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Showing 5391 to 5400 from 16223 results
Elton Koh ID : (TR26157) Add to Shortlist
  • Part-Time Tutor
    I am a Male Chinese 35 year old tutor with 8 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    O Level - Beatty Secondary School
    A Level - CJC

    Bsc Accounting and Finance (Hons) - University of London
    Master of Business Administration - Singapore Management University
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Primary - English , Maths , Science
    O level - English, L. Sec Maths, L. Sec Science , E Maths , Physics , Chemistry , Physics/Chem , Accounting
    Diploma / Degree - Finance , Accounting
  • Experience
    8 years private tutoring and tuition centre. EMS for Pri and L.Sec mostly. 80% of student with final score A. My ex students are from Marist Stella (6M - A2), Holy Innocents (2 Yrs - A1), Xin Ming (2 Yrs - A1). I also taught 2 private candidates at O and N level. Both graduate with A1 and A respectively
Belinda Siah ID : (TR26156) Add to Shortlist
  • Part-Time Tutor
    I am a Female Chinese 27 year old tutor with 3 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    PSLE - Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' Primary School
    O Level - Paya Lebar Girl's Secondary School
    Business Management - University of Birmingham
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Primary - English , Maths , Science
    O level - L. Sec Maths, E Maths , Physics , Accounting
  • Experience
    Home-tutored 5 students in P3-6 Math and Science from 2016-2018. Tutored 3 students in (Secondary) POA, (Secondary) E Math, and (University) Game Theory from 2019-2020. All tutoring jobs were self-sourced.
Syaza Bte Abdul Rahim ID : (TR26155) Add to Shortlist
  • Undergrad
    I am a Female Malay 24 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    PSLE - Haig Girls' School
    O Level - Tanjong Katong Girls' School
    A Level - TJC

    Business Management - SMU
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Pre-school - English, Malay, Maths, Phonics
    Primary - English , Maths , Science
    O level - English, L. Sec Maths, E Maths , Geography , Literature
    A level - General Paper , Literature
    Language - English
    Sports - Bowling
  • Experience
    I'm currently in my third year at Singapore Management University studing Business Management. I've attended Haig Girls' School, Tanjong Katong Girls' School and Temasek Junior College. My PSLE grade for Math is B. For O Levels, my Math grade was A2 and lastly, for A Levels, it was B. Ive been tutoring part-time for about 2 years now. All my students are in primary school, the youngest being P1 and the oldest being P4. I've tutored math to two P1 children before so I'm familiar with the syllabus. As math is their strong suit, there wasn't much room for improvement for these students. Their math scores for their tests are usually around 80% to 90%. I've only been tutoring my younger siblings, whom are in upper primary level, for a year to prepare them for examinations and tests, sometimes even homework. That being said, I would be familiar with the primary school syllabus. My siblings have improved from 36% to 74%. Recently, one of my siblings have achieved A for English, and B for Math for his PSLE. At the end of the day, I strive to see the people I teach improve and be more confident in themselves when tackling their various subjects.
Lin Leyi ID : (TR26152) Add to Shortlist
  • Undergrad
    I am a Female Chinese 23 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    PSLE - Greenridge Primary School
    O Level - Raffles Girls’ School
    A Level - RJC

  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Primary - Chinese , Maths , Higher Chinese
    O level - L. Sec Maths, E Maths , A Maths
    A level - Maths
    Music - Piano
    Special Skills - Integrated Programme
  • Experience
    When teaching, I make sure the student is engaged by asking questions that pushes the student closer towards find the answer by themselves (rather than just narrating the method to them). When small progresses are made, I make sure to give them due credit and encouragement so they would feel motivated and gain confidence. I can help the student with their school work, while giving targetted worksheets to help them with their weakest topics, as well as periodically giving mini tests to check on their progress. When nearing exams, I will share some exam tips and techniques that helped me in the past as well. As for experience, I have previously volunteered at a primary school to teach P4–P6 students, covering all subjects. I am also currently tutoring a Sec 4 NA A-Math student, a Sec 1 NA Math student, and a P6 student. I graduated from RGS and RJC, and is currently awaiting university. I have scored A for H2 math in my recent prelims (A level results have not been released yet). I have a year of tutoring experience as I have previously volunteered at a primary school to tutor P4-6 students. I am also currently tutoring a Sec 1 NA, Sec 4 NA and P6 student Maths.
Audrey Yeo Zi Hui ID : (TR26151) Add to Shortlist
  • Undergrad
    I am a Female Chinese 24 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    PSLE - Rulang Primary School
    O Level - River Valley High School (IP)
    A Level - RVHS

    Degree in Communications and Marketing - Murdoch University
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Pre-school - English, Maths
    Primary - English , Chinese , Maths , Science
  • Experience
    Qualifications & Results: - Degree in Communications and Marketing (Murdoch University) - A-Level: H2 Geog, Math, Chemistry, H1 Econs (River Valley High School) Tutoring Experiences: - P3-4 girl (2 years) English, Math, Science - P5 boy (1 year) Math - P1 Math and P4 Science syllabi at MOE Primary School (3 months relief teaching) Teaching Approach: - Mainly using assessment books bought by the parents to teach - If student is a slow learner, start on a new topic after their school teachers have taught them. If student is fast, may proceed to teach new topic. - Student can ask any questions they might not have understood in class - Will print revision papers during exam period
Power Aryanto Famili ID : (TR26150) Add to Shortlist
  • Full-Time Tutor
    I am a Male Chinese 35 year old tutor with 8 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification

    Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) - NTU
    Master of Science (Electrical Engineering) - National University of Singapore
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Diploma / Degree - Mathematics, Electrical Engineering
  • Experience
    I have long experience tutoring NTU/NUS students on Mathematics and other Electrical/Electronic Engineering courses (Circuit Analysis, Digital Electronics, Analog Electronics, Semiconductor Fundamentals, Signals and Systems, and other courses) I am part-time teaching at Coleman College and I am also listed Associate Lecturer at PSB Academy.
William Huang ID : (TR26149) Add to Shortlist
  • Part-Time Tutor
    I am a Male Chinese 35 year old tutor with 4 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    A Level - MJC

  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Primary - English , Chinese , Maths , Science
    O level - English, Chinese , E Maths , Physics/Chem , Literature , Hist/S.Studies
    Diploma / Degree - Business Admin, Marketing , E - Commerce
  • Experience
    Home tutoring experience: 2 years' experience for teaching Secondary 3-4 for GCE "O" Levels Chinese (for Express stream) and concurrently teaching Primary 4 Mathematics. 1 year experience in teaching Corporate Finance for Bachelor in Business Administration Online teaching experience: I had taught Marketing Principles for a year for Digital Marketing course.
Medeline Ho ID : (TR26148) Add to Shortlist
  • Full-Time Tutor
    I am a Female Chinese 32 year old tutor with 5 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    O Level - Presbyterian High School
    Bachelor of Sociology - 1
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Primary - Chinese
    O level - Chinese
    Language - English , Chinese
  • Experience
    I am an experienced tutor for 5 years. I am teaching primary school and secondary school students on the subject of English Math and Chinese. My students are from Ai Tong, St Gabriel's, Teck Ghee, Townsville, PLMGS, Catholic Canossa school. Most of them failed their Chinese but they scored a high B after 4 months of class with me. I am effectively billingual and I am highly proficient in Chinese language. Scored A1 and distinction for my O level Chinese and A2 for English. Chinese is my first language. I aspire to further my Chinese studies. I teach Chinese at Herald Learning Centre . I have taught with Edufarm, Smile Tutor, Premium Tutors and Elite Tutors. Currently, I teaching students from P1-P6 on the subject of English, Math and Chinese. I also teach Seconday Chinese (mainstream and higher Chinese). I worked with MOE materials and am familiar with the school syllabus at every level. I am patient and nurturing. I believe every child has his/her potential waiting to be realised. More than just teaching, I guide my students in daily life practices for example manners and social etiquitte (thanks to my SIA training days). I give confidence to my students by displaying calm and loving disposition. My students enjoy my lessons. I am always punctual and communicates effectively to parents on the progress of their child. My students have shown great improvement from failing the subject to scoring a B for examinations. Their results are always improving, and so is their character. I am not the conventional tutor that only teach academically. I groom your child to be the best self!
Poon Hui Yee, Alexis ID : (TR26147) Add to Shortlist
  • Poly Student
    I am a Female Chinese 25 year old tutor with 2 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    PSLE - Greenridge Primary School
    O Level - Zhenghua Secondary School
    A Level - IJC

  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Pre-school - English, Maths, Creative Writing, Phonics
    Primary - Chinese , Maths , Science
    O level - Chinese
  • Experience
    - Assistant Teacher at Preschool - Assistant Teacher at Enrichment Centre ( Speech & Drama; Reader’s and Writer’s) - Currently studying in Early Childhood Development and Education in Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Lim Zhao Yu ID : (TR26145) Add to Shortlist
  • Undergrad
    I am a Male Chinese 27 year old tutor with 4 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    O Level - Nan Hua High School
    A Level - AJC

    Business Analytics - NUS
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Primary - Maths
    O level - E Maths , A Maths
    A level - Maths , Computing
    Computing - Java , Python , MySQL
  • Experience
    I have 2 years experience (2017,2018) volunteering at AJC Alumni Tutoring Programme, teaching J1 and J2 Math. Since 2018, I am a private undergrad tutor teaching Sec sch and Jc math. I am graduating in 2023 in business analytics at NUS, GPA first class honours, Deans' list awardee last semester. A1 for Olevels Emath, Amath, A for Alevels Math, A for university math modules. Been tutoring for 5 years (since 2017). Volunteered as Alumni tutor at AJC for 2years in math students achieved A grade. Been a private tutor since then. Currently have a tutee from neighbourhood sec sch who improved from C5 to A2 last year. Also concurrently a teaching assistant at NUS where i teach math/coding modules for fellow univeristy students. Recent A-level students are from RJC, RV, NYJC, ASRJC for JC level Math. Students have improved from the ranges of B/C/D/E to getting A at A levels.
Showing 5391 to 5400 from 16223 results