Undergrad I am a Female Indian 22 year old tutor with 0 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
A Level - RJC
My Teaching Subject(s)
Primary - Tamil , Maths , Higher Tamil O level - L. Sec Science , A Maths , Bio/Chem , Higher Tamil A level - AO Tamil , Tamil Studies , H3 Tamil Music - Violin Special Skills - Integrated Programme, Group Tuition
Undergrad I am a Female Chinese 23 year old tutor with 2 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - St. Margaret’s Primary School O Level - St. Margaret’s Secondary School A Level - SAJC
My Teaching Subject(s)
Primary - English , Chinese , Maths O level - E Maths , A Maths , History , Social Studies A level - Maths , Economics IB / IGCSE - English Language, Mathematics Language - English , Chinese , Korean Sports - Tennis
I am going to university in a month so currently considered an A level graduate. I have consistently gotten A grade for Chinese language and took up Higher Chinese in primary and secondary school. I’ve also done well in English since primary school, and enjoy teaching English to students by making compositional formats easily understood & allowing them to grasp the foundation of the language. I’ll assist student mostly on compositional writing as well as comprehension answering techniques, alongside materials provided to improve speaking skills.
I’ve always had passion in teaching Math and have done well in it all along, due to my interest in the subject since young and I would deliver my skills to students to the best of my abilities. I would do so by doing many practices with students and building on foundation to master problem solving skills.
I’ve taught a P3 student Math & Secondary 3 student Emath & Amath for a year previously and both have shown tremendous improvement within the short span of time. P3 student improved from a B to A* and Sec 3 student from C6 to B3 in Amath and C5 to A2 in Emath. I’m currently teaching 2 students English, and have consistently attained the A grade for English language since PSLE (including A level GP). Hence, will guide students mostly in compositional writing, speaking, grammar, vocabulary and comprehension inferences.
Full-Time Tutor I am a Female Indian 42 year old tutor with 20 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
Bsc Banking and finance - University of London
My Teaching Subject(s)
Primary - English , Maths , Creative Writing Language - English Special Skills - Group Tuition Sports - Yoga
Teacher and Curriculum writer at Private institution.
Teaching and tutoring for 20years
Teaching International students (preparing them for AEIS (MOE curriculum))
Teaching students from MOE schools (Pri 1-6)
Have taught PSLE students that made it to Express stream.
Having taught students, for a more than decade, in MOE Schools, private institutions and boutique tuition centers, I brings with me an extensive level of professional experience and boasts a quintessential level of skill and knowledge. Many students have achieved academic excellence under my nurturing and patient tutelage.
I strongly believe in creating and providing a supportive and collaborative environment for my students. Having no fear of learning new teaching strategies or incorporating new technologies into my lessons, my students find my classes engaging and interactive. Widely recognised for my warm, enthusiastic and caring nature, I still keep in touch with my past students, some of whom I have inspired to become
educators in many sectors. I also train new teachers and interns, motivating them to develop their ability and aspiration to teach effectively.
Not only did I observe the work of teaching staff to evaluate performance, to recommend changes that could strengthen teaching skills, but I was also responsible for coordinating and administrating the teacher training program in my previous centre. Apart from training and teaching, I also develop curriculum of finest quality to enhance my students’ learning curve.
Part-Time Tutor I am a Female Indian 30 year old tutor with 4 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
O Level - Teck Whye Secondary School A Level - JJC
Civil Engineering - NTU
My Teaching Subject(s)
O level - E Maths , A Maths Special Skills - Integrated Programme, Group Tuition
I have been teaching secondary maths tuition since the first year of my university. I have been teaching part time for 4 years both group tuition and one-to-one. I can empathize and understand the problems that a student faces when dealing with maths questions. I believe that maths can be made simpler to understand and easy to tackle. I have taught students across all levels from sec 1 to sec 5 , from lower secondary maths to upper secondary E maths and A maths. I have taught students from crescent girls' school, singapore chinese girls school, chung cheng high school, and many others.About 75% of my students had scored As in their respective exams. I believe that being able to evalute a student's strength and weaknesses is an essential part of being a private tutor. Clear and detailed explanation of concept,e.g through illustration of maths concepts in everyday activities and other science related problems.
Undergrad I am a Male Chinese 28 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
O Level - Admiralty Secondary School
Bachelor of Arts in History - 1
My Teaching Subject(s)
Primary - English , Maths O level - L. Sec Maths, E Maths , History , Social Studies , Hist/S.Studies
When I was taking my diploma, I was tutoring family members who were taking their O levels. I helped specifically with subjects like E-Maths and Humanities.
Current Teacher I am a Male Chinese 36 year old tutor with 5 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
A Level - VJC Diploma-NIE M.A. (Comparative Literature) - King’s College London Comparative Literature - King’s College London
My Teaching Subject(s)
O level - English, Literature A level - General Paper , Literature , H3 Literature Language - English Special Skills - Integrated Programme
I am a current English Language and Literature teacher at an independent secondary school and possess five years—and counting—of teaching experience under my belt. In fulfilment of my teaching scholarship obligations, I have been teaching since graduating with a post-graduate teaching diploma from the National Institute of Education in 2017 and a degree in Literature from King’s College London in 2016; education is my lifeblood in every sense of the word!
I am adept at working with students of different profiles and diverse dispositions, having tutored both O-/N-level and IP students and having served stints at several secondary schools in Singapore. I uphold the conviction that each student ought to be viewed and appreciated as a precious individual with the innate potential to succeed—and regularly contribute articles on this topic on platforms/resources for educators.
Having received training from the Gifted Education Branch, I am particularly familiar with and proficient in Gifted Education pedagogy, from critical thinking to creative problem-solving; these skills are applicable to *any* student and will elevate him/her to the next level academically and intellectually, however, and I thus intend to freely impart them to all my tutees. My English Language and English Literature classes have consistently outdone mean standards on a yearly basis with regard to academic results and student satisfaction likewise has continually performed exceptionally. Elsewhere, I received international recognition in the form of the U.S. National Association for Gifted Children’s Curriculum Studies Award in 2019 and in the subsequent year, the Community Problem-Solving Project student team I mentored was crowned World Champions at the Future Problem-Solving Program International Conference (U.S.).
Beyond academic success, I see character/ethical development as central to a student’s growth as a well-rounded person too: it is for this reason that I have sought and received accreditation as a Community Problem-Solving coach as well as managed schoolwide Values-in-Action projects to empower my students to become individuals of service to society.
Undergrad I am a Female Chinese 26 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
O Level - Kranji Secondary School
My Teaching Subject(s)
Primary - English , Chinese O level - English, Chinese Language - English , Chinese
In 2020, I tutored two children in P6 Chinese for 6 months and helped to prepare them for the PSLE exam. Both showed steady improvement in their grades and while initially disinterested in the subject, they were able to expand their vocabulary repertoire and ask and answer questions more readily in Chinese.
Full-Time Tutor I am a Female Indian 41 year old tutor with 12 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - Cedar Primary School O Level - Bartley Secondary School Diploma-Other Digital, Communications Engineering - University of Hertfordshire
My Teaching Subject(s)
Primary - English , Maths , Science
I do have experience tutoring kids with Dyslexia/ Attention Deficit Disorder. I do have an Advanced Diploma in Special Needs Education obtained 2013 from College Of Allied Educators.
I was also group tutoring at CC & volunteer at Student Care center
I have taught/ tutored in Kampong Glam Community Centre for a programme named ‘Tuition With Love’ for P3 Level ( Math and English). I have also volunteered as a tutor at a Student care Centre know as U space at Lavender.
I have 12 years of 1 to 1 (primary) level as a Full-Time Freelance Tutor since[Sep.2011 till present] & will always do for the years to come. I hv taught all Primary Levels(P1 to P6) in [both 1 to 1 session and Group Tutoring] as well.
Even though Math is my favourite subject that’s one reason I pursued my Degree in Engineering . However I am extremely confident to tutor English(all components) & Science as well.
By the way, my style of tutoring for Maths, I go through examples for a particular topic.
For English I make sure I cover all components including composition writing and oral as well.
For Science I prepare ahead of the lesson. For all 3 subjects I get my students to do assessment books / practice papers.
I do take marking each of my student’s work seriously. I do keep track of the mistakes and make sure to go through and get them to do their corrections if any.
I have students who were weak, over time I witnessed awesome improvement & increased confidence.
I also have students who maintain the pass rate.