Undergrad I am a Male Chinese 33 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - Holy Innocents' Primary O Level - Nan Chiau High School A Level - TPJC
Mechanical Engineering - NTU
My Teaching Subject(s)
O level - E Maths , A Maths , Physics
I have a 1 year experience of teaching a secondary 4 combined physics-chem and A & E maths, he was from Beatty Secondary school and improved from F9 to B4 in the prelims.
Current Teacher I am a Male Chinese 56 year old tutor with 9 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
A Level - VJC
Business Adminsitration - NUS
My Teaching Subject(s)
O level - L. Sec Maths, E Maths , A Maths
Experienced current autonomous secondary school Mathematics teacher of 9 years.
Skilled in various pedagogical approaches and teaching to different ability students. Am currently teaching one Sec 2 Victoria School student who have shown a marked improvement from A2 to A1 (82%) in just 2 months for his End of Year examination.
I am committed to improving a student's conceptual understanding and interest in the subject to enhance learning and improving performance.
I am a fresh grad with a Bachelor degree in Communications from RMIT. I am passionate in teaching and helping students excel. I am registered as a relief teacher under MOE SRE graduate scheme. I have done relief teaching for MOE primary schools from September to November this year. Hence, I have experience dealing with children and managing a large class. I have also conducted lessons and I am familiar and knowledgeable of the school syllabus. I have gotten A for O'levels in English and Malay .
Part-Time Tutor I am a Female Indian 31 year old tutor with 7 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - Rulang Primary Sch O Level - Raffles Girls Sec Sch A Level - RJC
Bachelor of business in economics & Finance - SIM
My Teaching Subject(s)
Pre-school - English, Tamil, Maths Primary - English , Tamil , Maths O level - English, Tamil
7 years of experience with primary and Secondary School students . I've managed to improve them by at least 2 grades at the minimum so not to worry you are in good hands.
My past students were from various primary and secondary schools eg , Anchorgreen Pri, lakeside Pri , Fuhua Sec etc and most of my students improve by at least 2 grades or more.