Part-Time Tutor I am a Female Chinese 25 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - Dazhong Primary O Level - Hua Yi Secondary
My Teaching Subject(s)
Primary - English , Chinese , Science , Higher Chinese O level - English, Chinese Language - English , Chinese
I’m currently tutoring one primary school student, but I’m new. Started tutoring for one month only .
Teaching pedagogy would vary depending on the student’s needs. Usual pedagogy would be spelling, dictation going through of passages to let the student understand what is required to score. Subsequently , I’ll get the student to write after he or she has learnt how
I am teaching as an adjunct teacher in Swiss Cottage Sec school. Prior to this, I was a HOD Science in Fajar Secondary school.
I have been in teaching for more than 30 years. My forte is Chemistry and Bio-Chem for O level. I am also competent to teach IGCSE Chemistry. During my short stint in private education, I had brought about a large improvement in the percentage pass and distinction in the subject.
I am a MOE registered tutor for the past 4 years and counting. As a product of the national education system, i fully recognize its many shortcomings and would therefore go the extra mile in making sure that my students benefit from my holistic and individualized lessons. Lessons are customized in a way where the focus is on developing the students' ability to grasp concepts rather than hard core memorizing and to allow students to approach different questions from alternative angles. I will be providing daily updates of the child's progress after every lesson as well as mini tests/quizes to assess the child's learning progress.
Currently I am teaching at A Grader learning centre as well as at mind stretcher learning centre in singapore. I am well versed with the syllabus and will be able to provide worksheets that are specifically catered to your child's needs. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
For home tuition, my students are from ang mo kio primary, bedok green, temasek primary. Their grades have improved from a borderline pass to mid 80s and subsequently an A* for PSLE. For the stronger students that started with mid 60s grades were improved to higher 80s for their prelims.
Undergrad I am a Male Chinese 28 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - Northland Primary school O Level - Yishun Town Secondary School A Level - NYJC
Accountancy - NTU
My Teaching Subject(s)
Pre-school - Chinese, Maths Primary - Chinese , Maths , Science O level - Chinese , L. Sec Maths, L. Sec Science , E Maths , A Maths , Physics , Accounting Sports - Roller-blading
Undergrad I am a Female Chinese 26 year old tutor with 3 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - Northland Primary School O Level - B3 A Level - IJC
English Literature - NTU
My Teaching Subject(s)
Pre-school - English, Maths Primary - English , Maths , Science O level - English, Literature
I am currently studying English Literature at Nanyang Technological University and working at Speech Academy Asia Tuition Center teaching English, Math and Science.
My students are from Anglo Chinese school, Saint Andrew and Singapore Chinese Girls school
With 3 years of experience tutoring students both private and in tuition centres, my experience with students of different standards and abilities have greatly benefitted the ways I approach my student’s learning. My students were able to achieve their desired grades with much improvements. Hence, I hope that I am given the opportunity to assist more students in achieving their goals.
I believe that the course that i am attending in NTU can help improve my teaching for my students. During tuition, I will have the student do exercises before hand and go through them during the session. I will try various methods to help understand the student's needs.
Undergrad I am a Male Chinese 26 year old tutor with 2 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - Nan Chiau Primary School O Level - Nan Chiau High School
Business Admin - NUS
My Teaching Subject(s)
Primary - English , Maths , Science O level - English, L. Sec Maths, L. Sec Science , E Maths , Physics
School of students: Oasis Primary
Student 1: P6 (2019) .
Initial scores: failing or barely passing
PSLE: managed to get into NA stream
Student 2: P5 (2020)
English: slight improvement
Science: improvement to scoring highest in class test
Also did relief teaching at waterway primary for 3 months ,after NS while waiting for uni to start
Part-Time Tutor I am a Male Chinese 26 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
My Teaching Subject(s)
A level - Economics , History , Art
I have taught H2 History students (2) in 2018. Graduated in 2017 and have underwent the new change in syallabus during my A levels, therefore confident in my understanding of the new syllabus. Tutees have feedbacked to me that I've made concepts and events in History clearer and simpler as compared to her lecturers in her JC.
I am going to NUS FASS intending to major in History/Political science.
Taught H2 history, they were from JJC (D to A improvement) and another from RJC. I also tutored Economics to my classmates in school before in JC.
Undergrad I am a Female Chinese 27 year old tutor with 2 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - 2010 O Level - Admiralty Secondary School Diploma-NP
My Teaching Subject(s)
Pre-school - Chinese, Maths, Creative Writing Primary - Chinese , Maths O level - Chinese Language - Chinese
Hi, an Ntu undergraduate in the degree of Chinese and a diploma holder in Chinese studies. Aced in PSLE Chinese with A* in oral & papers & A1 in O level Chinese. Tutoring for almost 1 year.