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Looking for a Quality Home Tutor for Social Studies Tuition in Singapore?

Tutor City offers private Social Studies tuition for Secondary School and O-level students in Singapore. 

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Concerned about helping your child score better marks in Social Studies?

Your search ends here! Achieve exceptional exam grades with the help of our top Social Studies home tutors.

Have you been in search of…

  • A professional Social Studies tutor who can provide dedicated help with your child's homework, reducing their stress.
  • An experienced tutor who takes the load off of your academic monitoring responsibilities.
  • Dedicated guidance to help your child break down complex Social Studies themes to pave the way for O-levels success.
  • A conducive learning environment in the comfort of your home for a relaxed and focused study atmosphere. 
  • Optimised use of time for your child when learning is made efficient, commuting time reduced and more time is available for rest and play.

Choose the most suitable Social Studies tutor from our pool of 20,000 highly qualified and dedicated tutors. Take advantage of our phone interviews with shortlisted tutors. Get ready to receive profiles of suitable Social Studies tutors within 24 hours after submitting a request. 

Get the help your child requires to excel in O levels Social Studies now!

Social Studies Tuition Singapore


Benefits You Can Gain From Tutor City's Social Studies Tuition and Tutors

1. Optimised learning for better and quicker learning progress: With one-to-one home tutoring, the Social Studies tutor will devote full attention to your child, tailoring lessons to target areas of weakness and not waste time on topics your child is already familiar with. The pace of the lessons is catered to your child’s ability, and together with targeted learning, you will see results faster as compared to group tuition, which follows a structured curriculum and pace.

2. Be equipped with techniques and skills to score in exams: Tutor City's experienced tutors equip students with essential skills needed for exam success. This includes teaching valuable exam techniques, time management strategies, question analysis and proper structuring of answers, which helps your child build efficacy and confidence in tackling challenging the compulsory Social Studies O levels examinations. 

3. Customised and comprehensive Social Studies resources: Your child will gain access to a wealth of resources especially curated and written by home tutors over the years, such as custom study guides, summary notes, mind maps and past exam papers. This reduces the time your child spends on researching or reading irrelevant or unimportant Social Studies materials and makes exam preparation more focused and effective.  

4. Reduce stress and enhance confidence: The consistent support of a Social Studies tutor who is ever-ready to clarify your child’s doubts and available to provide guidance will reduce stress for your child when preparing for O levels exams. Their self-confidence is boosted as they feel more adequately prepared to sit for the exams with the encouragement of a home tutor. 

5. Leverage the expertise and client-focused approach of a reputable home tuition service agency with a decade-long experience in serving the specific needs of parents and students. Expect a prompt response. Within 24 hours, we will provide you with a carefully selected list of Social Studies tutors who match your preferences for tuition location, schedule, and budget.

6. Hire the most suitable Social Studies tutor from our broad network of over 20,000 private tutors, which includes educators, industry professionals, and accomplished students from renowned local and global universities. Our Social Studies tutors have extensive teaching experience and a deep understanding of the Social Studies syllabus, offering the most effective home tutoring experience for your child.


Over 490 Positive Reviews from Satisfied Parents

Our track record of helping students achieve their goals speaks for itself. Check out our numerous positive Google reviews!

"Ben was extremely helpful in finding me a tutor for my kids. He was very prompt and sourced an excellent tutor at short notice for both my kids. Would highly recommend Ben if anyone is looking for tutors/ teachers to import specialised attention for any subject."

Karthik Krishnan

"I am very pleased with the service provided by Benson. He is very prompt in answering my enquiries and asked very detailed questions in order to better connect with the right tutor. I was able to find a tutor for my daughter relatively quickly. Highly recommended."

Adeline Lum

"The process is fast, smooth and prompt. I was struggled for months to find a good tutor! Glad we have Benson help up in searching for a good tutor for my P2 child. The tutor was very good and knowledgeable compare to other agencies. Very resourceful. Highly recommended."

Anna Chong

"Benson allowed my child to try out 1 paid trial lesson with tutor. I must say the tutor is knowledgeable and dedicated. Thank you for your good service! I managed to get a tutor within a day."

Karen Karen


How much do Social Studies tutors charge?

The average hourly fee for Social Studies tuition ranges from $35 per hour to $100 per hour, depending on the tutor's credentials, experience and level of teaching.

Tuition Rates
Per Hour

tutors 1




$35 - $45

$50 - $60

$70 - $90

Lower Secondary

$35 - $50

$55 - $65

$70 - $100

Upper Secondary

$40 - $50

$60 - $70

$75 - $100


$40 - $50

$60 - $70

$75 - $100

1. Includes students in polytechnics, universities and graduates tutoring part-time.
If your child has special needs, go to our SPED page to understand the certifications and fees that SPED teachers are quoting.

Levels Of Social Studies Tuition

At Tutor City, we firmly believe in providing comprehensive solutions for Social Studies. This ensures that students can fully benefit from our services without needing assistance elsewhere for Social Studies. That's why we offer a wide range of Social Studies tuition levels, which include:


How does Social Studies Tuition with Tutor City’s home tutor solve the struggles students face?

Students struggle without social studies tutor

Social Studies is a compulsory part of your child's MOE school curriculum and a core subject to their Humanities examination score at the O levels for entry into Junior College or Polytechnics. 

As a compulsory subject in primary and secondary schools, your child must grasp the concepts and complexities involved in Social Studies. However, given its intensive syllabus and that it is a subject studied in combination with History or Geography in secondary schools, your child might feel overwhelmed. 

Having to manage two subjects simultaneously, prepare for exams, and complete homework can be a stressful and daunting task.

The most common challenges students face in Social Studies include not understanding the content and lacking the ability to examine societal issues from various perspectives; their struggles are exacerbated by the vast amount of information they need to memorise and comprehend. For other students, their poor skills in explaining and applying the right concepts to exam questions affect their grades. 

We have identified the most common challenges faced by students, and our Social Studies tutors have adopted tailored teaching approaches to address them effectively. 

  • Overwhelmed with the diverse, vast topics and memorising the Social Studies concepts and facts
  • Challenges with understanding what is being taught in school in Social Studies, especially abstract concepts such as nationalism, democracy, capitalism
  • Not being able to keep up to date with global and local news and developments that can provide depth in perspectives during exams
  • Lack of critical thinking and analysis to analyse sources, compare viewpoints and form reasonable arguments and responses. 
  • Misconceptions regarding many topics under the subject
  • Challenges with examining societal issues from objective and different perspectives that are not personal beliefs
  • Lacking in skills to either accurately extract or apply the content and concepts to answer questions
  • Poor time management leads to an incomplete examination
  • Lack of ability to extract information from the sources during source-based questions
  • Challenges with crafting responses based on the marking schemes to obtain high marks
  • Difficulty in writing essays and forming strong and concise arguments
  • Stress from juggling Social Studies with History and Geography and not being able to cater adequate revision time properly. 

Are you ready to get a private Social Studies tutor for your child? Fill in the online form now!

Why Social Studies Home Tuition is Effective 

Did your child put in their best effort but not see substantial improvement in Social Studies? Engaging a private Social Studies home tutor can break through the plateau. Here’s how: 

1. Clear understanding of Social Studies topics and issues through the home tutor’s explanation which breaks down complex concepts in a manner that is comprehensive and accurate. Some issues in the refreshed 2023 MOE Social Studies syllabus include globalisation and its impact on culture, security and economy. 

2. Better interpretation and evaluation of sources and information in exams. Confidence to tackle Source-based Questions (SBQ) in Section A, where they develop the ability to extract relevant information, draw inferences, analyse and evaluate evidence, compare and contrast different viewpoints. Social Studies tuition will prepare your child to be familiar with the different types of question formats (e.g.: comparison, utility, reliability, purpose etc.) so there will be no surprises during exams. 

3. Hone skills to construct explanations and draw conclusions on societal issues based on evidence and not from irrelevant personal opinions or perspectives. When personal views are to be raised as examples, your child needs to provide examples in their daily life that are relevant and reasonable. Without Social Studies tuition, your child is less likely to discern which examples or solutions are appropriate, as there is no sounding board to explore their thoughts. 

4. Improved essay writing skills to provide perspectives and responses that are well-structured, complete, grammar-free and concise. Social Studies tuition can help to minimise points lost for Section B Structured Response Questions (SRQ) where answers are to be provided in essay format. Your child can gain writing skills to better articulate their thoughts into essays that are supported by details. 

5. Less stress when sitting for examinations as essential study techniques are imparted by the Social Studies tutor on the expectations of the exam topics, common mistakes made by students which caused them to lose points, important points to take note of, question analysis and time management. Your child will feel confident to sit for O levels Social Studies exams. 


What is the importance of Social Studies Tuition? 

social studies importance

Unlike earlier school times when Social Studies was viewed as an unimportant or optional subject, Social Studies is a compulsory subject in primary schools and secondary schools, under combined Humanities (with either Geography or History) as an examinable core subject. 

Based on a refreshed 2023 syllabus, it is not difficult to notice that more emphasis is placed on helping students develop critical and “metacognitive” skills whereby your child can explore different perspectives and ways of thinking about societal issues. 

However, this is a double-edged sword as while these skills are beneficial for your child, especially when they transit to tertiary education, it poses significant challenges for students who have not yet developed strong analytical skills or have exposure to thinking about issues in a diverse manner. Since Social Studies requires an understanding of key societal concepts (e.g: identity, trade-offs, governance etc), social structures and global affairs, students who fail to get a good grasp of these issues and concepts will often feel stressed, overwhelmed, lost and a great sense of dread and fear, especially when facing exams. 

Without the expertise of an experienced Social Studies tutor, your child’s Social Studies learning journey can be akin to venturing into a dense, dark forest without a map or compass. Your child may find themselves wandering aimlessly, entangled in a web of complex societal issues and intricate historical events which they cannot make sense of.

Social Studies tuition can be the reliable compass guiding your child through the syllabus and discovering opportunities for learning and personal growth.

MOE Social Studies Curriculum

Students in Singapore are to take up Social Studies in Primary One, which is a non-examinable subject for the national PSLE examinations. In place of examinations, students are to embark on field trips and performance tasks from P3 to P6, where they will be required to work in groups to accomplish projects ranging from creating digital stories to showcase heritage places to producing a video to showcase innovations of civilisations and their impact. 

Although the syllabus is very much focused on Singapore’s history and society you might be surprised to learn that Primary 6 students will learn about abstract concepts such as civilisation, legacy, change and continuity. 

As students transit to Secondary Schools, most of them are familiar with the subject since they have taken it from P1, and the teaching pedagogy of issue-based inquiry learning is not foreign to them. 

Starting from the 2024 Secondary 1 cohort, there will be some changes to the Secondary syllabus. At the lower secondary level, the G1 Humanities subject will comprise Social Studies and Humanities Exposure Modules (Geography, History and Literature in English). At the upper secondary level, students taking G1 Humanities will take Social Studies, and choose one of three exposure modules (i.e. Geography, History and Literature in English).

This is part of the changes towards Full Subject-Based Banding (Full SBB) to provide students with greater flexibility to customise their secondary education. The changes under Full SBB will also allow students to have a more enriching secondary school experience by creating more chances for them to interact with peers from diverse backgrounds. Read the full details at MOE's press release here.

social studies moe inquiry process

<MOE Social Studies Syllabus Inquiry Process 2023>

The MOE Social Studies syllabus covers the following:

Primary School Topics and Concepts

Primary 1: Knowing Myself, Others and My Surroundings

  • Key concepts: • Personal Identity • Social Identity • Community • Place

Primary 2: Coming Together as a Nation

  • Key concepts: • Diversity • Culture • National Identity • Common Experiences

Primary 3: Understanding Singapore’s Environment and Challenges

  • Key concepts:  Place • Environment • Conservation • Change and Continuity • Adaptability

Primary 4: Understanding Our Past 

  • Key concepts: • Heritage • Change and Continuity • Diversity • Contributions • Independence

Primary 5: Part 1 – Understanding Singapore’s Development as a Nation

  • Key concepts: Nation-building • Contributions • Region • Diversity • Interconnectedness • Adaptability

Primary 5: Part 2 – Understanding Southeast Asia’s Diversity and Interconnectedness

Primary 6: Understanding Features and Legacies of Civilisations

  • Key concepts: • Civilisation • Legacy • Change and Continuity • Heritage

Secondary School Topics and Concepts

Exploring Citizenship and Governance

  • Attributes can shape one’s understanding of citizenship
  • Functions and roles of government in a representative democracy 
  • Deciding what is good for society 
  • Citizens and government working together for the good of society 
  • Key concepts: Citizenship • Governance • Trade-offs

Living in a Diverse Society

  • Factors that shape the identities of people and contribute to a diverse society -Interactions in a diverse society and common space 
  • Experiences and effects of living in a diverse society
  • Citizens and government responding to socio-cultural diversity
  • Citizens and government responding to socio-economic diversity
  • Key concepts: • Identity • Diversity • Harmony

Being Part of a Globalised World

  • Driving forces of globalisation
  • Economic impacts of globalisation and responses of countries and individuals
  • Cultural impacts of globalisation and responses of countries and individuals
  • Security impacts of globalisation and responses of countries and individuals
  • Key concepts: Globalisation • Interconnectedness • Interdependence

O Level Social Studies Exam Format

o level social studies exam format

<SEAB O-Levels Social Studies Exam Format 2023>

The grading structure for O levels Social Studies is the Levels of Response Marking Scheme (LORMS). This scheme prioritises the student’s quality of answer over quantity, which is different from a traditional point-based system. To excel, a student must provide well-articulated and detailed responses.

LORMS is applicable to both Source Based Questions (SBQ) and Structured Response Questions (SRQ). The scheme comprises specific criteria that outline the expected quality of responses. If a student's answer aligns with these criteria, they are rewarded with marks accordingly.

What are the essential skills students need to score well in Social Studies exams? 


  • Reflective and critical thinking skills
  • Deep understanding of societal issues
  • Evaluating and analysing evidence
  • Techniques to memorise content with ease
  • Responding to structured essay questions clearly
  • Techniques to answer structured question response
  • Making logical contrasts between opposing views
  • Skills to draw reasonable inferences
  • Techniques in generating logical and reasonable arguments
  • Interpreting questions the right way
  • Concise essay writing with details
  • Maintaining a balance while formulating various arguments
  • Contextual understanding to grasp the context of events and ideas
  • Synthesis and combining information from various sources
  • Problem-solving skills such as proposing and evaluating solutions to societal issues
  • Empathy and perspective-taking, including understanding different viewpoints and cultures.
  • Communication and ability to clearly express ideas and thoughts
  • Research Skills, such as identifying and using resources for research
  • Time Management Skills to absorb large amounts of content and during exams
  • Self-Reflection and ability to reflect on personal learning and views

tips to do well in social studies

Why classroom time is simply not sufficient to score well in Social Studies exams.

classroom time not enough for social studies subject

If you take a closer look at the syllabus and exam requirements outlined above, you will find that Social Studies covers a wide range of topics, from abstract concepts such as nationalism and democracy to in-depth societal issues; your child can easily feel overwhelmed due to its breadth and complexity. 

Trying to memorise and understand all the facts, concepts, and perspectives within limited classroom time is an impossible task. That’s why most students are expected to do their own research, update on global news and gather information outside the classroom time. If left alone, most students would not know where and how to start; this, on top of juggling the other half of humanities subjects, either Geography or History, might leave some students feeling defeated and stressed. 

In addition, Social Studies requires skill sets that might not be fully developed within the confines of the classroom. For instance, students need sufficient time for discussion and exposure to different learning resources to nurture critical thinking and the ability to analyse sources, contrasting viewpoints and form robust arguments independently. These important skills cannot be gained purely through self-learning but require personalised guidance, practice, and constructive feedback from Social Studies tuition.

If your child lacks communicative skills, especially in the English language or writing, they will need specialised help to improve their weaknesses, such as writing concisely and formulating and organising strong arguments. The school teacher usually does not have time nor resources to thoroughly cover these writing and answering strategies and techniques, especially when they already need to rush through their teaching to cover the entire syllabus. 


The role of a private Social Studies home tutor is invaluable in guiding your child towards academic success, as school lessons might fall short of catering to your child’s diverse learning needs, developing the skillsets and addressing your child’s weakness. 


Social Studies Tutors in Singapore: The different profiles

social studies tutor

Are you familiar with the different categories of Social Studies home tutors in Singapore? Are you aware that each tutor profile has its own distinct advantages and disadvantages that can greatly impact your child's learning experience in Social Studies? To assist you in this task, below is an overview of the different tutor profiles and their strengths and weaknesses.

Full-time Social Studies Home Tutors

Similar to other working professionals, full-time tutors dedicate their careers to offering private lessons in Social Studies, often clocking over forty private tuition hours a week. They provide tuition to tertiary students of diverse abilities, educational backgrounds, and schools.

Full-time Social Studies tutors typically hold qualifications at the bachelor’s level such as degrees in Humanities, History, Social Sciences, Sociology, Political Science or other related fields. 

Usually, full-time tutors have a strong command of the subject matter knowledge such as a deep understanding of societal issues, social concepts, significant historical events and their implications. They possess effective communication skills to impart complex societal concepts to students and engage them in meaningful discussions about Social Studies issues and events. 

Besides content knowledge, full-time Social Studies tutors have accumulated effective tutoring techniques, lesson planning, and student assessment methods, allowing them to deliver their Social Studies private tuition lessons in a clear and engaging manner.

Advantages of Engaging Full-time Social Studies Home Tutors

Typically, full-time tutors can have a few years up to decades of teaching experience. This makes them very familiar with the Social Studies syllabus in Primary, Secondary School and O levels exams, including the materials to prepare for lessons.

Full-time Social Studies tutors can readily customise their teaching materials and approach to suit the unique learning styles of different students. 

Since they are full-time professional tutors, they usually possess good communication and interpersonal skills to establish rapport with your child. This establishes a conducive and supportive learning environment for your child. They are also able to simplify the interpretation of complex issues, events, meanings and the impact behind them clearly and effectively since they have met many other students who will have the same challenges as your child. 

Full-time Social Studies tutor will incorporate additional learning materials; this could include providing Social Studies resources such as case studies, source-based questions, model essays, and relevant news articles readings for your child to strengthen their knowledge of local and global issues.

Since full-time Social Studies tutors rely on tutoring as their main source of income, they are highly dedicated and reliable when it comes to sticking to the tuition schedule. They also understand the significance of establishing a rapport with your child in a private tuition setting, and they are likely to continue to tutor your child as they progress through the academic levels. 

They are less likely to switch students frequently, recognising the importance of building a stable relationship with their tutees. This is important as it is greatly beneficial to have a tutor who is very familiar with your child’s abilities and learning habits.

Disadvantages of Engaging Full-time Social Studies Home Tutors

Full-time Social Studies home tutors typically command a higher hourly rate than their part-time counterparts. This arises from the wealth of expertise they accumulate through years of dedicated tutoring experience. 

In addition, they invested extra time in lesson planning, research, and selecting relevant Social Studies resource materials. Some even go the extra mile by creating their own exclusive worksheets and source-based exam questions. These efforts contribute to the overall value they provide, justifying the higher rate for their comprehensive and tailored instruction.

Successful full-time Social Studies tutors are known for their impressive track record of delivering favourable outcomes and often face tuition scheduling constraints. Given the competition of parents to secure quality tutors for their children, these star tutors may have limited availability for parents to secure their preferred tuition slots. This is because they are committed to a regular group of students who continue to seek their expertise as they advance through the academic levels.

Working Professionals Social Studies Part-time tutors

Part-time Social Studies tutors often balance their tutoring responsibilities alongside a main full-time career, utilising home tuition as an additional income stream. These tutors hail from a range of educational backgrounds, bringing diverse perspectives to their teaching. Some may have previously taught full-time in government Primary or Secondary schools or tuition centres before transitioning to other professional pursuits.

Advantages of Engaging Part-time Social Studies Home Tutors Who Are Working Professionals

Opting for part-time tutors for Social Studies tuition can be a wise choice for parents seeking quality and cost-effective solutions within their tutoring budget. These tutors possess a unique blend of tutoring experience and academic qualifications, enabling them to deliver high-quality Social Studies lessons.

One significant advantage of engaging part-time Social Studies tutors is the affordability they offer compared to both Ministry of Education (MOE) tutors and full-time tutors. This helps alleviate the financial strain for families with multiple children or allows for better allocation of tuition fees, enabling students to receive lessons in other subjects as well.

Part-time Social Studies tutors share a genuine passion for the subject. This enthusiasm can have a positive impact on your child, igniting their interest in Social Studies. This desire to impart knowledge so that your child is a more informed and participatory citizen in the world are important qualities to make learning for your child more enjoyable and engaged. 

Drawing from their experiences working with students, these tutors can emphasise the significance of scoring well in Social Studies and Combined Humanities. They can provide guidance on tertiary and university course selection, including future career paths if your child decides to pursue a career relating to humanities. Some careers include academic/teacher, civil service and public policy, writer/journalist or social researcher. 

Some part-time tutors with more years of tutoring experience are well-versed in the school curriculum. Look out for part-time tutors that have received positive feedback and testimonials from their current or past students, demonstrating their effectiveness. 

Disadvantages of Engaging Part-time Social Studies Home Tutors Who Are Working Professionals

One limitation of part-time Social Studies tutors is their relatively less flexible schedule, as they juggle their tutoring commitments with their day job. This may result in the limited availability of tuition slots, which are usually offered after office hours on weekdays or during weekends. Due to their busy work schedules, rescheduling lessons might happen sometimes. 

Student Social Studies Part-time Tutors

Social Studies tutors in this group consist of university students or individuals pursuing Humanities related undergraduate degrees or masters/PhD programmes. These tutors offer Social Studies tuition to supplement their income and benefit from a close age gap with their tutees. This results in a higher level of energy and enthusiasm in their teaching style.

Advantages of Engaging Part-time Social Studies Home Tutors Who Are Students

Social Studies student tutors offer the most cost-effective tuition fees compared to other tutor profiles. It is wrong to assume that student tutors provide subpar Social Studies lessons. Many of them choose to tutor part-time because they have achieved excellent grades in Social Studies during their O levels and possess Social Studies proficiency and skills, which they can effectively impart to your child.

Their recent experience navigating Singapore's O levels education system and the stress of a high-stakes national exam make them more empathetic towards your child's feelings of anxiety and nervousness in mastering Social Studies. This enables them to quickly establish rapport with your child and provide both mentoring and emotional support throughout their learning journey.

This is especially valuable for students who struggle to communicate their difficulties to authority figures like teachers or parents. The student tutor can relate your child's concerns to the parent, enabling you to provide better support.

Student tutors also offer greater flexibility in scheduling tuition lessons and makeup lessons can be easily arranged. Parents can take advantage of this flexibility by scheduling additional lessons with student tutors during school term breaks for Social Studies enrichment or to catch up with the syllabus.

Disadvantages of Engaging Part-time Social Studies Home Tutors Who Are Students

When considering student tutors, it's important to recognise that they lack formal teaching certification and that their average tuition experience typically ranges from one to four years. 

With limited experience, some student tutors may not have encountered a wider variety of tutees and might have challenges in handling all types of students. Parents should carefully assess whether the selected student tutor's personality aligns well with their child's needs and provide regular feedback to ensure effective tutoring in Social Studies.

Student tutors may face tuition scheduling constraints due to exams, co-curricular activities (CCAs), or other obligations. It is important for parents to communicate in advance and be prepared for some flexibility when arranging Social Studies home tuition sessions with student tutors.

To ensure reliability and trustworthiness, parents should consider engaging a reputable tuition agency that conducts a thorough screening and shortlisting of student tutors. This ensures that the tutors are genuinely committed to tutoring your child and that their qualifications and education history are valid.

MOE-Trained Social Studies Home Tutors

Social Studies home tutors in this category consist of two profiles: the MOE teachers who are currently teaching in schools or ex-MOE teachers who have left service and no longer teaching in schools. Tutors in this group are officially trained in NIE and are professionally certified teachers who have teaching experience in Primary or Secondary Schools. 

Advantages of Engaging MOE-Trained Social Studies Home Tutors

Tutors in this category are highly in-demand, as parents are willing to allocate a higher tuition budget to assist their struggling child in attaining the desired Social Studies grades and preventing further setbacks.

MOE-trained tutors possess extensive familiarity with the school syllabus and are subject matter experts. They possess in-depth knowledge of how the Social Studies curriculum and syllabus are designed and may even have experience in crafting examination papers and understanding the marking criteria. 

By leveraging their expertise, they can provide valuable guidance on key areas for your child to focus on, such as effective writing techniques to make their answers stand out among their peers. 

Furthermore, they are well-versed in teaching strategies to support weaker students and can impart practical techniques that can significantly improve your child's Social Studies grades within a relatively short timeframe. Their wealth of experience, having taught numerous students in classroom settings, contributes to their ability to deliver impactful instruction.

Disadvantages of Engaging MOE-Trained Social Studies Home Tutors

MOE-trained Social Studies tutors are in high demand due to their teaching qualifications and proven effectiveness, which often leads to them charging the highest tuition rates compared to all the other tutor profiles. 

The supply of current MOE-trained school tutors is limited due to new regulatory procedures implemented by the Singapore Public Service Division in 2021. These regulations stipulate that school teachers can only offer tuition if approved by their school principal and for valid reasons. It is challenging for MOE school teachers to be available for Social Studies home tuition, which contributed to their scarcity in the Social Studies tutoring market.


Different Types of Social Studies Tuition in Singapore

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1. Social Studies tuition in the tuition centre

Social Studies tuition in a tuition centre can take place in either a large or small group setting, ranging from around 6 students to sometimes 20 or more. Students are typically required to travel to a physical location for tuition classes that follow a fixed schedule. 

Some tuition centres specialise solely in providing humanities tuition, allowing them to concentrate on curriculum development, effective teaching strategies, and tailored study materials, setting them apart from centres offering multiple subjects.

In comparison to private Social Studies tuition, there is limited freedom to choose the specific Social Studies tutor, especially one that aligns with your preferred timeslot and desired tuition centre outlet. Classes conducted by popular Social Studies tutors also tend to be quickly filled, often resulting in being placed on a waitlist with an uncertain waiting period. 

Additionally, commuting to the tuition centre adds extra time and effort, and scheduling makeup lessons can be challenging due to the limited flexibility caused by the need to accommodate other students and classroom availability.

2. Home Social Studies Tuition

Parents have the option to hire a Social Studies tutor for personalised one-to-one tuition either in the comfort of their own home or at the tutor's location if deemed more suitable. This provides the flexibility to choose a timeslot that is convenient for both parties involved.

A private Social Studies tutor differs from a classroom teacher in that they do not deliver lessons in a formal and larger classroom setting. The skill sets required to be a good tutor vary from that of a teacher. In a home tuition setup, effective home tutors with strong interpersonal skills can excel in aiding weaker students to master Social Studies more efficiently. Home tutors are usually more patient and are used to answering questions or providing explanations until the student fully understands the content. 

The intimate and private setting allows for the development of rapport and credibility between the tutor and student, enhancing the students' joy and learning experience compared to a group setting.

3. Private small-group Social Studies Tuition

In order to manage tuition expenses, some tertiary students or their parents may opt for a private Social Studies tutor to conduct small-group tuition sessions with 2 to 4 students, who may be friends or classmates. 

These sessions can take place at a designated location, such as the tutor's residence or a co-working space, with the hourly tutor fees divided among the group members.

Apart from the cost-saving aspect, small-group private Social Studies tuition is popular due to the opportunity for students to exchange ideas, engage in discussions, and share personal perspectives. This collaborative communication fosters the exploration and exchange of different viewpoints, thereby enhancing the depth of their Social Studies learning experience.

Learning in a group setting also promotes motivation, as the interactive nature of the sessions encourages active participation and creates anticipation among tutees to attend the Social Studies tuition session. This social interaction contributes to increased engagement and an enriching learning journey.

4. Online Social Studies Tuition

With the rise of online learning in the post-COVID era, both tuition centres and private home tutors now provide the option of online Social Studies tuition for students who prefer this mode of learning. 

This alternative can be considered when scheduling conflicts arise, such as when a Social Studies tutor cannot accommodate your preferred time slot due to the need to commute after a prior lesson. Opting for remote Social Studies tuition proves advantageous when minimising your child's interactions with others to avoid falling ill, especially during critical national examinations like the O-levels.

How to select a Social Studies home tutor for tuition lessons?

Here are the most valuable qualities you should look for in a Social Studies home tutor:

1. Experience

Experienced teachers are incredibly beneficial to students. That is because their experience gives them the skills to handle any student with ease. You need to look for NIE and MOE-trained teachers if you want the best for your child.

Such trained teachers have sufficient experience and training to handle any Social Studies student. At Tutor City, we always highlight the experience and qualifications of our tutors. It will aid you in making the right decision.

2. Positive Feedback

Some tutors may look great on paper, but are they just as great at teaching? You can only know this by reviewing the feedback from previous clients. It will give you a small glimpse into the tutor and how they teach.

At Tutor City, we always provide testimonials from previous parents and students. You can read them to understand what the tutor is like and if they will suit your needs. Such feedback will help you make a well-informed decision in no time.

3. Syllabus Familiarity

Syllabus familiarity is essential because it keeps on changing. Tutors need to be updated with the recent syllabus to provide quality tuition to students. It helps ensure time is not wasted while teaching.

At Tutor City, we highlight all the necessary information to help you make the right decision. All our tutors are familiar with the syllabus to guide students and help them excel by improving their grades quickly.

4. Enthusiasm and Passion for Teaching Social Studies

Passion is the driving force that fuels the continuous refinement of teaching methodologies and the ability to motivate students, particularly in the domain of Social Studies.

It's important to find a Social Studies tutor who possesses genuine enthusiasm and is committed to assisting students in reaching their potential. You can gauge their passion and dedication by having an open conversation with the tutor and setting clear expectations from the start.

An effective Social Studies tutor should be eager to discuss and investigate social issues and topics with your child. 


Support from Tutor City to select a suitable Social Studies tutor

Tutor City is committed to helping you select the best Social Studies tutor for your child. Here is the support you will receive when hiring a tutor for private Social Studies tuition:

  • Carefully screened and highly qualified Social Studies tutor with excellent teaching skills and experience
  • Fast response time of within 24 hours to receive tutor profiles for your selection when you put in a Social Studies tutor request form 
  • Arrangement of a phone interview with the shortlisted Social Studies tutor
  • Free consultation with us to understand your requirements and advise you on a suitable Social Studies tutor profile
  • Follow-up service on the feedback of the Social Studies tutor after your first lesson
  • Flexibility to change tutor if you find him or her unsuitable; only the lessons taught will be charged
  • 100% no fees charged to you for our Social Studies tutor-matching service

Tutor City: Singapore's Premier Social Studies Tuition Agency

Tutor City is Singapore’s premier Social Studies tuition agency; we strive to provide top-notch customer service to help students find their ideal Social Studies home tutor. 

Our mission is to help parents save time and effort in looking for a Social Studies tutor by offering customer-friendly tutor-matching services through our qualified tutors that are thoroughly screened, regardless of the budget and tuition location. 

Put in a tutor request form with us now.


Quick Request Form

Which Subject Do You Need Tuition For ?



Optional.e.g $30/hr or $300 as month (e.g any weekdays after 3:00pm. Having too strict to timing may lession your chance of engaging better tutors)

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Visit our Search Tutors or Request a Tutor page, or call 90672547. You can also send an email to info@tutorcity.sg.
Go to our Search Tutor page and shortlist the tutors you want to hire. Our form filter allows you to specify the tutor attributes so you can choose the most suitable ones. Once you are ready, click on 'Submit Shortlist' and complete the form. We will contact the shortlisted tutors and advise you on which ones are available.
We encourage tutors to upload scanned copies of their certificates in their online profile or email to us. For those who do not upload their certificates, we will instruct tutors to bring their certificates during the 1st lesson for verification. We will then verify their certificates against the information they provided.
No. You may terminate the tuition at any time if you are dissatisfied with the tutor’s services. You only need to pay for the lessons taught. If you decide to terminate the tuition, please inform us as we gather feedback on our tutors regularly to provide you with the best service.
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