Poly Student I am a Female Chinese 27 year old tutor with 3 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - Ngee Ann Primary O Level - Temasek Secondary School
My Teaching Subject(s)
Pre-school - Maths Primary - Maths
As a freshman in Polytechnic, I joined a CCA that provides free tutoring services every Saturday to primary school children. It has been close to 3 years, and I am now in the MainCommittee that forms collaboration and services to various Primary schools. In March 2017, I had a month's worth of experience under MOE, teaching in an internship position. In later 2017, I then taught in a Special Needs School for 3 months. In these 3 years of experience, I have become more adept in handling children just as my passion for teaching continues to grow.
Full-Time Tutor I am a Female Chinese 31 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
Foundation Degree - SRMC
My Teaching Subject(s)
Pre-school - Chinese Primary - Chinese Music - Music Theory, Piano Language - English , Chinese
My name is Yi Zhi Xuan. When I was working as a part-time teacher, I taught Chinese language, singing and piano. I have been a teacher for six (6) months.
Current Teacher I am a Female Chinese 37 year old tutor with 6 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
My Teaching Subject(s)
Pre-school - English, Chinese, Maths, Phonics Primary - English , Chinese , Maths , Phonics
Qualifications: Diploma in Early Childhood Education
Currently working as preschool teacher teaching K2 level at a private preschool
Experience: 5-6years of preschool teaching
3-4 years tutoring stopped last year due to family and work commitments
Undergrad I am a Male Malay 30 year old tutor with 4 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - Greenwood Primary O Level - B3 A Level - IJC
Civil engineering - NTU
My Teaching Subject(s)
Primary - Maths , Science O level - L. Sec Maths, L. Sec Science , E Maths , A Maths , Physics , Chemistry , Physics/Chem
I've been teaching almost 4 years now. I mainly teach maths and science for primary school and both E/A math and physics for secondary school. All my students I have thought for a minimum of 6 months
Yewtee Pri2 math/science - fail to C
Woodlands ring Sec4NA E/A math - fail to A
Woodgrove secondary Sec2&3 Emath - fail to C&A respectively
Jurong West Sec3NT E math - fail to C
Ahmad Ibrahim Sec3 A math - fail to C
Admiralty primary 6 PSLE math/science - 163(prelim) to 222(psle)
Ang Mo Kio sec 3 E math - fail to D
Madrasah Arabiah Al-Islamiah Sec 4 E math/combined science - fail to C
Undergrad I am a Female Chinese 29 year old tutor with 2 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - Evergreen Primary School O Level - Nan Chiau High School
My Teaching Subject(s)
Pre-school - Maths Primary - English , Chinese , Maths
I have 2 years experience in tutoring a Primary 4 student in English, Chinese and Maths, as well as a pair of Secondary 2 twins in English and Chinese. I am also tutoring a Primary 3 student for 3 months as well.
Undergrad I am a Male Chinese 29 year old tutor with 3 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - Compassvale Primary School O Level - Compassvale Secondary School A Level - NYJC
Business administration - NUS
My Teaching Subject(s)
O level - E Maths , Chemistry Sports - Swimming
I have been teaching ever since i graduated from junior college. I taught mostly JC students in the past ranging from school like VJC to YJC. My greatest pride was when my VJC student, who failed chemistry during prelims, managed to achieve B in A-levels. I had 2 O-level students and they are now waiting for their O-level results. Both had shown great improvement from F9 to B4 during prelims.
Ex-Teacher I am a Male Chinese 43 year old tutor with 9 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - Tanglin Primary School O Level - New Town Secondary school
Bachelor of Arts (education) - 1
My Teaching Subject(s)
Primary - English , Maths , Science
I am an Ex MOE teacher who left the service in 2015. I am currently a full time tutor with 9 years experience. I am able to help weaker pupils to grasp the concepts and the better ones to achieve better results. I am patient and devoted in helping my pupils.
I was teaching at Lakeside Primary School. I taught English, Maths and Science. I am a full time tutor now. I been teaching tuitions for 9 years. I teach P1 to P6 English, Maths and Science. All of my students have shown improvement. The weaker ones who failed can get at least a C while the better ones get distinction for PSLE.