- Undergrad
I am a Male Chinese 34 year old tutor with 8 years' teaching experience.
- My Qualification
PSLE - Choa Chu Kang Primary School
O Level - Admiralty Secondary School
A Level - PJC
Major in Materials Science & Engineering - NTU
- My Teaching Subject(s)
Pre-school - English, Chinese, Maths
Primary - English , Chinese , Maths , Science , Art
O level - English, Chinese , L. Sec Maths, L. Sec Science , E Maths , A Maths , Physics , Chemistry , Biology , Physics/Chem , Music
A level - Maths , Physics , Chemistry , Economics
Diploma / Degree - Mathematics, Chemical Engineering , Mechanical Engineering , Physics, Chemistry, Bioengineering
Music - Music Theory, Guitar , Drum
Language - English , Chinese
Computing - C++ , AutoCAD , Windows , MS Office
Sports - Badminton
I am a fine guitarist and has been putting my skills to good use by joining other volunteers in our weekly music therapy for the residents in most Elderly Homes. Furthermore, I have taken the initiative to attend guitar classes organized by the Volunteer Guitar Connection (VGC) to learn songs that the residents love to listen to, and willing to go the extra mile for the less fortunate.
Ever since I joined VGC in 2009, I have performed for close to 100 performances for many charitable organisations. I have also embarked on projects to outreach to the less privileged in the society. We started teaching guitar to teenagers diagnosed with cancer under the Ô_Make a Wish project. In this way, beneficiaries are not only on the receiving end, but are able to contribute back to society and share with others. We hope that through music, these less privileged kids will be able to pick up a life-enriching skill, gain self confidence, express themselves better and in future, learn to care for others and eventually join the path of volunteerism through VGC's networks.
My involvement in VGC also brought me to greater heights in terms of my skills in playing the guitar, such that we held our very own concert few months back - ended up with a huge success.
I was teaching teenagers on a voluntary weekly basis ever since 2008 when I first started out volunteering to serve children beneficiaries. Moving forward, to help a wider group of children in need (under-privileged) beneficiaries in their school work and character development, NTU WSC provided a well-balanced approach for me to partake in the mentoring program where I registered myself for the Regular Service Projects (NTU Welfare Services Club) tutoring children (under-privileged) on their daily homework and assessments on various subjects based on the student's school education system (English,; Maths: (Elementary, Additional); Science: Physics, Chemistry); Chinese: ; Social Studies; Geography; History) and also provide lifeskills lessons for these children on semester (6 months) basis. Our program is catered to Primary and Secondary School students coming from various schools around the Clementi neighbourhood. The volunteers and beneficiaries will be paired in a one-to-one ratio, so that the tutoring style can be tailored according to individual needs. Venue & weekly tutoring sessions will be as follows.
The NTU Welfare Services Club (WSC) started its humble beginning in 1985 with a man's passion and desire to contribute to the society. The start up of the club was an uphill task. With only 5 committee members, the pioneer batch put in utmost effort to raise awareness and encourage participation among students. Despite facing obstacles, they persisted in fulfilling their vision and started a tuition programme for children from low-income families. Since its early years, which were mainly focused on raising awareness among students, WSC has established itself as one of the three non-academic constituent clubs in NTU. The club has undergone incredible expansions in its activities to reach out to more beneficiaries. Currently, it runs 7 Regular Service Projects (RSPs), 6 Special Projects (SPs) and 4 Supporting Committees (SCs), serving various beneficiaries including Elderly, Children, Hearing Impaired, Intellectually Disabled, Physically Challenged, Visually Handicapped and Youth.
Throughout these years, its members shared the 4 common objectives:
1. To provide services to the voluntary welfare organizations.
2. To promote voluntary community service among students of the University.
3. To instill a sense of social awareness among students and staff of the University.
4. To afford a recognized mean of communication between the University and all other external voluntary welfare organizations.