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Showing 8041 to 8050 from 16231 results
John Lau ID : (TR21024) Add to Shortlist
  • Part-Time Tutor
    I am a Male Chinese 33 year old tutor with 6 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification

    Law, LLB - University of Manchester
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Primary - English , Chinese , Maths , Science
  • Experience
    I was a Former relief teacher at Woodlands Primary School.

    I tutored all 4 subjects Eng Math Sci Chi. Autistic child from fail to pass. 2 kids from last class always fail, managed to improve to 40 50 range.

    Strict whenever necessary in order to achieve the desired outcome. All my students have shown improvement after at least 3 months of tuition.
Peter Ng ID : (TR21023) Add to Shortlist
  • Part-Time Tutor
    I am a Male Chinese 45 year old tutor with 12 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification

    Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Queen University of Belfast, N Ireland, UK.
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    O level - A Maths
  • Experience
    I did part time Home Tuition 1-1 'O''-level A-Maths tuition for few years. My students are anywhere in Singapore and most of my pass student have improvement, some request more lesson per week.
Guo Zechuan ID : (TR21021) Add to Shortlist
  • Undergrad
    I am a Male Chinese 30 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification

    EEE - 1
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    O level - E Maths , A Maths
    A level - Physics
  • Experience
    I have more than 1 year experience teaching Secondary Maths and JC H2 Physics, H2 Maths.
    I have taught private tuition and group tuition at a tuition centre.
Raelyn Tan Hui Min ID : (TR21020) Add to Shortlist
  • Part-Time Tutor
    I am a Female Chinese 27 year old tutor with 2 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    PSLE - CHIJ Katong Convent Primary
    O Level - CHIJ Katong Convent

    Business - RMIT
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Pre-school - English, Maths
    Primary - English , Maths
    O level - English, L. Sec Maths, E Maths
  • Experience
    i've graduated from RMIT University with a Bachelor Degree in International Business. I tutored for a combined period of 2 years. The last student I had was a Primary 5 student who was failing English and Mathematics. I taught him to the mid years exams of his Primary 6 year, and his grade were at a consistent 70 and above
Chong Wan Er ID : (TR21018) Add to Shortlist
  • Ex-Teacher
    I am a Female Chinese 42 year old tutor with 12 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    PSLE - Parry Primary School
    O Level - Anderson Secondary School
    Bachelor of Business Adminstration - 1
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Primary - English , Creative Writing
  • Experience
    I was an English teacher in Nanyang Primary School from 2010 to 2015 and have taught Primary 1 to Primary 5 pupils of all abilities. I enjoyed my time with the school and picking up strategies to help my pupils develop their skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening. With close guidance and comprehensive feedback, it was rewarding to watch my pupils grow in confidence and develop a lifelong interest in the English Language. As I started a family, it was harder to keep up with the demands of the school system, so I left to become a private tutor specialising in the English Language. I conduct individual (1-to-1) lessons as well as lessons in a small group (preferably 3-4 students). This setup allows me to pass on my love and passion for the English Language to young students while balancing the needs of my young family. As writing is one of the components many pupils struggle with, I plan writing lessons once every two weeks, guiding pupils as they dissect the question and in the brainstorming process. I also provide guidance and feedback after each paragraph to help them stay on the right track. As I believe in providing timely feedback to pupils, compositions are graded on the spot with comprehensive feedback given to the child. With these regular writing practices, my pupils have developed a fearless attitude towards writing and are confident in tackling a variety of different topics. The other lessons will be focused on Oral and Language Use (Paper 2). My students are taught how to read fluently with good pronunciation and expression. They are also guided on how to organise and elaborate on their answers to questions in the stimulus-based conversation. I often share personal experiences and news articles to help them develop the ideas and vocabulary necessary to respond comprehensively to any questions that may be posed to them. Based on the students' areas of concern, I will plan lessons to help them develop confidence and skills in the different sections of Paper 2. Over the last seven years, I have taught a total of 28 students, mostly from P3 to P6. Many of them have already graduated, with almost all of them achieving their desired grades and moving on to their desired secondary schools.
Amos Ng Zheng Xiong ID : (TR21017) Add to Shortlist
  • Undergrad
    I am a Male Chinese 30 year old tutor with 3 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    PSLE - Hong Wen School
    O Level - Maris Stella High School
    A Level - SRJC

    Mechanical Engineering - NTU
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    O level - L. Sec Maths, E Maths , A Maths
  • Experience
    Have been teaching for about 3 years. Teach math and amath to st gabriel, maris stella,boon lay sec and others. Got teach both lower and upper sec express and NA. Grades usually maintain or jump one to two grades
Radhika Lakshmanan ID : (TR21016) Add to Shortlist
  • Part-Time Tutor
    I am a Female Indian 61 year old tutor with 15 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    PSLE - A*
    IB - GIIS

    MA Tamil - Madras University
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    O level - Tamil , Higher Tamil
    A level - AO Tamil
    IB / IGCSE - Tamil
  • Experience
    I have been tutoring for the past 15 years for all classes from P5 - JC and IB - till date 2023 I'm focused on teaching Secondary lvls and above nowadays.
Agnes Tan Mei Xin ID : (TR21014) Add to Shortlist
  • Undergrad
    I am a Female Chinese 29 year old tutor with 2 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    A Level - TJC

    Aerospace Engineering - NTU
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    O level - E Maths , A Maths
    A level - Maths
  • Experience
    I have experience in teaching A level JC1/JC2 H1 and H2 math.

    Tutored for 2 years.
    2 from rjc. Taught one for jc 1 and 2, and another from jc2. Both scored A in A levels.

    Currently teaching 2 JC1 (rjc and sajc) and 1 JC2 from Srjc.
Chin Hui Jun ID : (TR21013) Add to Shortlist
  • Part-Time Tutor
    I am a Female Chinese 31 year old tutor with 2 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    O Level - Zhenhua secondary school
    Biological sciences - NTU
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    O level - L. Sec Science , Chemistry , Biology , Bio/Chem
    Music - Piano
  • Experience
    I have volunteering experiences for mentoring in NTU helping secondary school students in science subjects, as well as some tuition experience for primary school science. My tutoring experience adds up to around 2 years: -Involved in mentoring in NTU for upper sec chemistry/biology -Taught science tuition for primary sch in Gems tutorial centre. -Taught IP student from NJC chemistry/biology for sec3-4. She improved from fail to passing both subjects.
Janani mane ID : (TR21011) Add to Shortlist
  • Poly Student
    I am a Female Indian 24 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    PSLE - Marsiling primary

  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Pre-school - English, Tamil, Maths
    Primary - English , Tamil , Science
  • Experience
Showing 8041 to 8050 from 16231 results