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Showing 6861 to 6870 from 16221 results
Gerene Boo ID : (TR23762) Add to Shortlist
  • Part-Time Tutor
    I am a Female Chinese 26 year old tutor with 4 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    PSLE - Greenridge Primary School
    O Level - Chua Chu Kang Secondary School
    A Level - AJC

    Bachelor in Statistics - NUS
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    O level - E Maths , A Maths
  • Experience
    I have resources for AE Math such as past year papers and topical revision papers. My students are required to do consistent practices and it was shown to be helpful. Hence I will stick to giving regular homework and completing corrections during lessons. Timed practices are also important thus I will also time my students for each paper to ensure that they have ample time for each question as well as time to check their paper before submission. These would be regimental to kickstart a new habit so as to prepare them for their papers and ease their state of mind during their examination. I have been teaching primary and secondary Math the past 4 years, especially graduating students. I had 3 former students the past 3 year who have graduated and attained A1 for their O levels. I am currently teaching O level A math to a Sec 4 student. She is from CHIJ STC. Before our lessons that only started in July this year, she has only been getting C6-D7 for her A math. However, she improved tremendously and scored an A2 for her prelims. Moreover, she has been consistently at A1-A2 for the practices (past year prelim papers, TYS papers) we have done in class. One of my former students whom I have taught for 1.5years (mid Sec 3 - O levels), improved from a E8 to A1 for her E math. We focused a lot on topical practices and mini tests that I provided her with, in her Sec 3 year. During her final year, we focused on her TYS and past year papers from various schools, as well as prelim papers provided from her school. The Sec 2 kid I’m currently tutoring have been a student of mine since he was P5. He attained A for PSLE and has been consistently scoring A1 and A2 for his tests in school now. Three of my other Sec 4 students also managed to attain A1 for their E math & A math O level examination in their respective national examination years.
Jason Hutomo ID : (TR23761) Add to Shortlist
  • Part-Time Tutor
    I am a Male Chinese 30 year old tutor with 0 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    O Level - Bukit Panjang Government High
    A Level - AJC

    Civil Engineering - NTU
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    O level - E Maths , A Maths
    A level - Maths , H3 Maths
    IB / IGCSE - Mathematics
    Diploma / Degree - Mathematics
  • Experience
Sean Chin ID : (TR23759) Add to Shortlist
  • Undergrad
    I am a Male Chinese 25 year old tutor with 0 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    PSLE - Nan Chiau Primary School
    O Level - Bowen Secondary School
    A Level - SAJC

  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Primary - Maths , Science
    O level - E Maths , A Maths
    A level - Maths
  • Experience
Dzulhafiez Shiddique Bin Ismail ID : (TR23758) Add to Shortlist
  • Full-Time Tutor
    I am a Male Malay 41 year old tutor with 0 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    PSLE - Jurong Primary School
    O Level - Jurong Secondary School with ACS
    A Level - PJC

    Bachelor of Engineering(Hons) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering - University of Hertfordshire
    MBA with Education , Law and Medicine - Anglia Ruskin University , University of London , Open University , University of Wolverhampton with Singapore Institute of Management
    How to Turn Your MA and PHD Thesis into a book. - Harvard University , Microsoft University with Udemy
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Pre-school - English, Malay, Maths
    Primary - English , Malay, Maths , Science
    O level - English, L. Sec Maths, L. Sec Science , E Maths , Physics , Geography
    A level - General Paper , AO Malay , Maths , Economics
    Diploma / Degree - Business Admin, Electrical Engineering
    Language - English , Indonesian
    Computing - Photoshop , AutoCAD , Web Design , Windows , MS Office
    Special Skills - SAT English, SAT Maths
    Sports - Swimming
  • Experience
Lee Xue Han, Max ID : (TR23757) Add to Shortlist
  • Undergrad
    I am a Male Chinese 29 year old tutor with 0 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    PSLE - Si Ling Primary School
    O Level - Bukit Panjang Govt. High School
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Pre-school - Maths
    Primary - Maths
    O level - L. Sec Maths, E Maths , A Maths
  • Experience
    I have only tutored a few primary school students for a few weeks when I was still a secondary school student.
Jaswin ID : (TR23756) Add to Shortlist
  • Undergrad
    I am a Male Chinese 30 year old tutor with 6 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    PSLE - Bukit Panjang Primary School
    O Level - Kranji Secondary School
    A Level - PJC

    Chemical Engineering - 1
    Engineering - NUS
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Primary - Maths , Science
    O level - L. Sec Maths, L. Sec Science , E Maths , A Maths , Physics , Chemistry , Physics/Chem , Bio/Chem , Accounting
    A level - Maths , Physics , Chemistry
  • Experience
Cindy Zhang Qiulin ID : (TR23753) Add to Shortlist
  • Ex-Teacher
    I am a Female Chinese 43 year old tutor with 4 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification

    B.Sci (Edu) - NTU-NIE
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Pre-school - Maths
    Primary - Maths
  • Experience
    I have taught a P2 boy in Math for just 2 months and he managed to pass his Math test which he never did since Pri 1.
Liu Hui Mei ID : (TR23752) Add to Shortlist
  • Undergrad
    I am a Female Chinese 28 year old tutor with 2 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    PSLE - Bukit Panjang Primary School
    O Level - Bukit Panjang Government High School
    Occupational Therapy - SIT
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Primary - English , Chinese , Maths , Science
  • Experience
    I taught P2 math and P5 math and science for 6 months, and pre school phonics for 1 year. Teaching P4 math and science (volunteering) currently as well. The girl whom I taught P2 math to had improved results from 60 to 70. As for the boy, I guided him in science by doing concept maps with him and how to answer open-ended questions.
Yasmin Balik ID : (TR23751) Add to Shortlist
  • Full-Time Tutor
    I am a Female Malay 37 year old tutor with 14 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    O Level - Madrasah Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyah
    Bachelors of Teaching - Federation University
  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Pre-school - English, Malay, Maths, Creative Writing, Phonics
    Primary - English , Malay, Maths , Science , Creative Writing , Phonics , Higher Malay , Art
    IB / IGCSE - English Language, Malay, Mathematics, Religious Knowledge
    Language - English , Arabic , Indonesian
    Special Skills - Group Tuition
  • Experience
    I have 14 years of tutoring to preschoolers to primary 6 students. I have a degree in teaching and had been a childcare teacher for 10 years. I have also tutored students from international schools. From K1 to Year 4.
Jordan Qiu ID : (TR23750) Add to Shortlist
  • Part-Time Tutor
    I am a Male Chinese 23 year old tutor with 0 years' teaching experience.
  • My Qualification
    O Level - Geylang methodist

  • My Teaching Subject(s)
    Pre-school - Maths
    Primary - Maths
    O level - L. Sec Maths, E Maths , A Maths , Chemistry , Bio/Chem
  • Experience
Showing 6861 to 6870 from 16221 results