Undergrad I am a Female Indian 35 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
Accountancy - SIM
My Teaching Subject(s)
Primary - Maths , Science
I have the passion in teaching which I feel is one of the important qualities.I would like to make a difference in the students' lives by taking the opportunity to know their strengths and weaknesses.This will enable me to cater my teaching style accordingly.I am a friendly person which makes it approachable for students.
Part-Time Tutor I am a Male Chinese 34 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - De La Salle School O Level - Zhenghua Secondary School A Level - IJC
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) - University of Queensland, Australia
My Teaching Subject(s)
Primary - English O level - English, History , Literature , Social Studies , Hist/S.Studies A level - General Paper Language - English
I have taught English, History, and Social Studies as a relief teacher at various Secondary Schools. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Psychology and a minor in Journalism and Mass Communication. I currently work as a media marketer at Discovery Networks (Discovery Channel).
Undergrad I am a Male Chinese 31 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - Maris Stella O Level - SJI A Level - CJC
My Teaching Subject(s)
O level - English, Physics , Chemistry , History , Literature
To be honest this is my first time being a tutor. However, I have handled kids in an adventure camp before. I am always eager to learn and will adapt my teaching style according to the child that I take. People have commented on my mellow and patient demeanour, which I'm sure I use effectively to walk through any sort of concept with the child
Undergrad I am a Female Chinese 28 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - Raffles Girls' Primary School O Level - CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School A Level - VJC
My Teaching Subject(s)
O level - L. Sec Maths, E Maths , A Maths
Although I have no experience as a paid tutor, I do help my own sibling with her homework whenever she has difficulties. I am always willing to learn and explore new methods that will be useful and effective for my students.
Current I'm teaching a N level math Sec 4 student
Part-Time Tutor I am a Male Chinese 30 year old tutor with 4 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - St.Gabriel's Secondary School O Level - St.Gabriel's Secondary School Diploma-NYP
My Teaching Subject(s)
Pre-school - Maths Primary - Maths O level - L. Sec Maths, E Maths , A Maths Diploma / Degree - Mathematics, Applied Mathematics Language - English , Chinese Computing - C# , Java , PHP , Python , Photoshop , Illustrator, Web Design , MS Office , MySQL Special Skills - Integrated Programme, Group Tuition Sports - Bowling, Taekowndo
I have a couple of years teaching from Pri 1 - Sec 4,
P1: 1 Year
P2: 2 Years
P3: 2 Years
P4 1 Year
P5: 1 Year
P6: 1 Year
S1: 4 Years
S2: 4 Years
S3: 4 Years
S4: 4 Years
My greatest achievement was to help a sec 3 boy pull up his grades for Elementary Mathematics from C6 to A2 in 1 _ï_ year.
Ex-Teacher I am a Male Chinese 57 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - Macritchie Pri Sch O Level - Balestier Hill Technical School Diploma-SP
My Teaching Subject(s)
Primary - Maths
I was the appointed as Subject Head for Mathematics when I was teaching in a primary school. I was then employed by a learning centre as the HOD for the Mathematics for 5 years. In this learning centre, I wrote maths curriculum and was given 6 Maths classes to teach. In total, I have more than 20 years of teaching experience. Now, I'm a full time tutor doing some relief teachings in primary school and teaching some classes in the same learning centre.
Full-Time Tutor I am a Female Indian 40 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
Masters in Science - 1
My Teaching Subject(s)
Pre-school - English, Maths, Creative Writing Primary - Maths , Science , Creative Writing , Art, Hindi O level - Hindi, Art
I would like to apply for post of Hindi, Computer and Art Teacher.
I have 8 years of IT experience with 4 years of experience in Team management. I have good knowledge of Hindi and computers. Can also teach art and craft to kids. I have done Engineering in computers and Masters in Science.