Ex-Teacher I am a Female Chinese 37 year old tutor with 14 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
O Level - A1 Diploma-NIE BA (Hons 2nd Upper) - NUS
My Teaching Subject(s)
O level - Chinese , Higher Chinese
I taught in school for 9 years and well versed with school CL syallabus for HCL, CL and NA CL. 7 years as private tutor, deep understanding of the challenges of neighbourhood school students face in mastering CL content.
I was mainly teaching graduating classes for Chinese. The last O level class of 36 students was 72% oral distinctions, 52% overall distinctions.
I was also the listening comprehension and oral coordinator when I was teaching, hence with a lot of resources.
Graduating students’ improvement in past 2 years:
Maris Stella HCL F9 - B3 (6 mths)
Deyi E8-B4 (1 year)
Broderick D7-B3 (6mths) F9-B4
Edgefield C5-B3 (2years)
Edgefield HCL B4-A1 (6mths)
Part-Time Tutor I am a Male Chinese 35 year old tutor with 3 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - Concord Primary School O Level - Kranji Secondary School
Mechanical Engineering - 1
My Teaching Subject(s)
O level - L. Sec Maths, L. Sec Science , E Maths , Physics , Chemistry , Physics/Chem , Bio/Physics , Bio/Chem A level - Maths , Physics , Chemistry IB / IGCSE - Mathematics, Mathematical Studies, Physics
I am a 2nd upper honours graduate from NUS Mechanical Engineering and University Scholars Programme. When I was in NUS, I was a varsity athlete in NUS cross country. During my four years, I have represented the varsity in several local and overseas races.
I was also awarded the Keppel Group Scholarship when I was serving my National Service. I am currently serving my bond with Keppel Group by working as an engineer in one of her subsidiaries, Keppel Singmarine Pte Ltd
Now that I have been working for more than a year, my work schedule has been stabilised. As such, I am looking at ways to make use of my weekends more fruitfully. One of these avenues that I am exploring will be to give tuition to my juniors. I seek not only to help them improve their academic performance, but also to serve as a mentor and friend to them. When I was still studying, I often wished there was someone to advise me about subject combination and school choices. Now that I have the time and experience, I wish to contribute back to my juniors.
My students were from neighbourhood schools such as Zhenghua Sec and Kranji Sec. I mainly taught then sciences and maths . Initial scores ranges from B4 to A2. I was able to bring them to at least a grade higher for their end of year or national exams
I also taught JC students from 1 from PJC & 1 from HCJC. They got A for H2 Physics and H2 Chemistry.
Full-Time Tutor I am a Female Chinese 33 year old tutor with 7 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
O Level - Bukit Panjang Govt. High School A Level - SAJC
Chemistry - NUS
My Teaching Subject(s)
A level - Chemistry
Have been teaching JC students for the past 7 years from 2011. Taught 12 JC students last year for H2 Chem and Maths.
I specialise in teaching A-level students for Chemistry and Maths.
Very familiar with A level syllabus and able to handle all the questions as I majored in Chemistry in university.
Full-Time Tutor I am a Female Chinese 39 year old tutor with 16 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
My Teaching Subject(s)
Pre-school - English, Chinese, Maths, Creative Writing, Phonics Primary - English , Chinese , Maths , Creative Writing , Phonics O level - English, Chinese , Social Studies , Geo/S.Studies Language - English , Chinese Special Skills - Adult Training
Details of tuition experiences: Have been teaching many foreign students from countries like China, korea, India, Philippines, Australia & Myammar. Students that have been certified with ADHD/ Dxylexia/Special needs.
Most of my students that under my guidence, not only will see improvement in their results but also parents will notice their attitude towards learning have also been improved. Best achievement so far is by having one of my students from Casuarina Primary School getting top her whole school for PSLE in year 2010 with an aggregate of 275.
List of schools that my students are in from the past and present
Raffles Girls Primary School
Singapore Chinese Girls School
St Margaret Primary School
St Joseph Institution School
St. Joseph Junior School
Methodist Girls School
Gan Eng Seng Primary School
CHIJ Kellock School
Bukit Timah Primary School
Rivervalley Primary School
Marie Stella Primary School
Nan Hua Primary School
Alexandre Primary School
Qifa Primary School
Pei Tong Primary School
Pei Chun Primary School
Mayflower Primary School
Clementi Town Primary School
Cantonment Primary School
Clementi Town Secondary School
Queensway Secondary School
Bukit Merah Secondary School
Pathlight School
EAST area
St Anthony Canossian Primary School
St Anthony Canossian Secondary School
Ping Yi Secondary School
Bedok Green Primary School
Tao Nan Primary School
Maha Bodhi Primary School
Red Swastika Primary School
Casurina Primary School
White Sands Primary School
NORTH area
Endeavour Primary School
Chongfu Primary School
Chueng Cheng Secondary School
Canberra Primary School
Wellington Primary School
Evergreen Primary School
Sembawng Primary School
Greenwood Primary School
Riverside secondary school
Fu Chun Secondary School
Anderson Secondary school
WEST area
Canadian International School
De La Salle School
Shuqun Primary School
Rulang Primary School
Princess Elizabeth Primary School
Lakeside Primary School
South View Primary School
West Spring Primary school
Unity Primary School
Beacon Primary school
St. Anthony 's Primary School
Bukit View Primary School
Zhenghua PrimaryvSchool
South View Primary School
Rainbow School
- [ ] My Strength
- [x] Able to motivate and guide most of my students from failed to pass within months through the years hard work amd delication from teaching students from over 30 different schools ..overall most of my students have scored A's and B's in their PSLE with distinction.