- Part-Time Tutor
I am a Female Chinese 32 year old tutor with 6 years' teaching experience.
- My Qualification
PSLE - Pei Chun Public School
O Level - National Junior College (IP)
Finance - SMU
- My Teaching Subject(s)
Pre-school - English, Chinese, Maths, Creative Writing, Phonics
Primary - English , Chinese , Maths , Science , Creative Writing , Phonics , Higher Chinese
O level - English, Chinese , L. Sec Maths, L. Sec Science , E Maths , A Maths , Chemistry , Biology , Bio/Chem , Geography , Higher Chinese
A level - AO Chinese , Maths , Chemistry
Special Skills - Integrated Programme, Group Tuition
I am teaching 7 students right now.
- IB Grade 9(Sec 3 equivalent) English, Math, Science, Advanced Chinese, Humanities
- Sec 2 Math and Higher Chinese
- Primary 5 English, Math, Science, Higher Chinese
- IB Grade 9 (Sec3 equivalent) English, Math, Science, Chinese, Geography
- Primary 3 English, Math, Higher Chinese
- IB Grade 4 English, Math, Science, Chinese
- IB Grade 10 Chinese and Math
I also taught Sec 3 and 4 English for about 1 year and both attained A1 and A2.
I taught Pri and sec students for 3 years, all PSLE students got A* for Maths and Chinese, most A* for English, total of about 12 students.
I topped my class in St Nicholas Girls School for Maths, Bio, Chemistry, English and geography in Sec 1 and 2
i was selected to attend International Student Science Fair in Sec 3 and other science competition in Sec 4.
In JC, I was the chief editor of College Publications. I was in the integrated programme in NJC.