Part-Time Tutor I am a Female Chinese 33 year old tutor with 10 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - Gan Eng Seng O Level - Queenstown Sec A Level - JJC
Common Engineering - NUS
My Teaching Subject(s)
O level - L. Sec Maths, E Maths , A Maths A level - Maths
Doing tuition for more than 10 years to Sec and JC students. Most of them i follow through for at least 2 years.
Girl (sec 3&4) E and A math, O level - A1
Student is already scoring A but took tuition to ensure that she kept her scores for O level.
Girl (sec 1 to 4) E and A math - A1
Took the assignment since day 1 of her sec sch journey. Student maintained A and usually is the top 3 of her class throughout the 4 years.
Girl (sec 3&4) E and A math, O level - A2
Frequent boarderline pass at the start.
Boy (sec 4&5 NA) Math - A1, Science - B3
Started from borderline pass and sometimes fail, eventually scored very well for e math in o level.
Undergrad I am a Female Malay 33 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - Woodlands Ring Primary O Level - Evergreen Secondary A Level - IJC
My Teaching Subject(s)
Primary - English , Maths , Science O level - English, E Maths , A Maths A level - Economics
I have tutored 3 students for about one year, namely primary 1, primary 4 and secondary 2. I have always loved teaching and believe in ensuring that students are able to grasp the fundamentals of the subject first, before proceeding to exam-related questions.
My style is to ensure that students have a full understanding of each chapter, followed by much practice.
Full-Time Tutor I am a Female Chinese 38 year old tutor with 13 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
O Level - A
Math and Econs - University of London Biblical Studies (Masters) - Berit Theological Seminary and Graduate School
My Teaching Subject(s)
Pre-school - English, Chinese, Maths Primary - English , Chinese , Maths , Science O level - Chinese , L. Sec Maths, L. Sec Science
Been a full-time tutor since 2011 and did part-time teaching before that, amounting to more than 10 years of experience. Currently teaching primary and secondary students.
Concept building and strengthening, knowledge application, question approach, answer phrasing and exam techniques from me to them. Doubts clarification before the lesson ends. If necessary, extra time will be given to complete the lesson before leaving unless another tuition awaits. Generates interest towards active learning. Helps them to overcome their fear and concerns, instilling confidence to make learning more enjoyable.
Bilingual, able to explain Chinese concepts in English.
Students have gone from failing to 60s, 60s to distinction, depending on their commitment and attitude.
A patient, committed and responsible tutor who sincerely wants to help the child excel, just like how the wonderful teachers have helped me through my schooling years.
> P1-2 girl with 10 assessments for each subject (preferred by parents) maintained distinction for all
> playful P3 who has tried many tuition centres with little or no improvement but has since been able to complete homework on his own, doing well in his test and passing his exams from 15/100 across all subjects
> P4 went from regular 60+ to 80+ for Eng and Sci and 90+ for Math maintaining well after
> P4 top in English continuously and it becomes her favourite subject
> P5 big improvement in Math and Sci (parent's SMS) from failing to 60s
> P5-6 mediocre distinction in Chinese from 50-60s
> diligent P6 scored 96 for Science from 75 marks after 3 months
> P6 girl attained distinction for Chinese after 6 months.
> S1 girl scored 80s throughout her secondary years. Went from NT to NA and didn’t want to advance to Express due to heavier workload.
> S1 NA boy top cohort with 80s and 90s for Math and Science.
> determined S1-3E scored 80s continuously for Math from 60s marks within 6 months and effortlessly after.
> S3-4E scored 60s for Chinese from just pass
Undergrad I am a Male Chinese 36 year old tutor with 5 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
O Level - B4
Computing - NUS
My Teaching Subject(s)
Primary - English , Chinese , Maths , Science O level - English, Chinese , L. Sec Maths, L. Sec Science , E Maths , A Maths , Physics , Chemistry , Physics/Chem
I took my A levels from Anderson JC and I am an undergrad in Computing from NUS. I have been giving tuition part-time since 2007.
Undergrad I am a Male Chinese 34 year old tutor with 3 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
O Level - B3
Business - USA
My Teaching Subject(s)
O level - English, L. Sec Maths, E Maths , A Maths , Physics , Chemistry , Biology , Physics/Chem , Bio/Physics , Bio/Chem A level - General Paper , Economics
A level holder from Meridian JC
Undergrad in Business from USA
Current Teacher I am a Female Malay 41 year old tutor with 4 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
My Teaching Subject(s)
Primary - English , Malay, Maths , Science
A level holder from Nanyang JC, Dip in Education from NIE.
Previously taught English & Maths at Naval Base Primary for 3 years. Currently teaching P3/4 Maths at Yangzheng Primary School and taught Science before.