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How To Make Learning Tamil At Home Easier

Singapore has a bilingual education policy, which is why Tamil is offered in many public schools. However, English is the main language medium, which is why it can be challenging to make your child learn Tamil. There are many challenges you might face as a parent, but you can easily overcome them.

So, if you want to make learning Tamil at home easier for your children, you are in the right place.

Here is your complete guide to help your child progress and learn Tamil in no time.

Challenges Parents Face When Their Children Learn Tamil

There are some parents that are fluent in Tamil, but this is not the case with everyone. That is because many of us use English as our main language to communicate with one another. So, you might face challenges at home while teaching your children Tamil.

Here are some of the possible challenges you might face and the solutions you can opt for to help your children learn Tamil:

1. The Children Are Not Interested In Speaking Tamil

There are many children that don't see any use in speaking Tamil, which is why they might refuse to speak the language or learn it. Children feel that they live in the West, which is why there is no utility in learning this language. Of course, this is a challenging situation to be in, and it means that the children have not spoken Tamil for most of their life.

Because of this, you will have to employ different methods to boost the interest of your child in learning Tamil. There are many ways you can do that so keep reading for possible solutions. If you don't have the time to read Tamil to your kids, consider hiring a professional Tamil tutor to do it for you.

2. You Might Be Encouraging Children To Speak In English

We unintentionally encourage certain things in our children that guide their behaviour. For example, you might be speaking English a lot at home or around your child. Of course, this will make the child think that is better to speak in English rather than Tamil.

So, they will not be interested in learning the language as they will know that speaking English will help them communicate better with you. That is why it is crucial to check what type of languages you are speaking in front of your child and if there are ways you are encouraging speaking English. Once you understand this, you can rectify your behaviour by encouraging your child to speak in Tamil.

3. Tamil Is Not A Language Anyone Speaks At Home

Do you know Tamil fluently but you are not speaking at home?

If that is the case, then your child will also not be interested in learning Tamil. Keep in mind that kids imitate the behaviour of the people they know, especially their parents.

So, if you are not speaking in Tamil at home, your kids will also not be speaking in this language. You have to take steps to make a conscious effort to speak the language. In the long run, your children will know that this is an important language, which is why they will also learn and start speaking it at home.

4. Kids Don’t Have Exposure To Tamil Outside Of School

Outside of school, many kids might not have exposure to Tamil because most people speak in English.

If the parents are working and the children are in daycare, then they will learn language skills from people speaking in English. Of course, this is not an ideal solution as it means that kids will only have exposure to English. Beware not to put your kids in a bad childcare centre else the effect will be detrimental to your child's learning

Because of this, it is important to provide your children exposure to Tamil outside of school too.

Doing this will put them in a non-English speaking environment, which means that they will be out of their comfort zone. This will give them the motivation to learn Tamil so that making conversation can be easier.

5. Kids Might Feel That Learning Tamil Is Not Important

Finally, most people are speaking English all around, which is why the kids might feel that learning Tamil is not an important step for them.

Of course, while this can be true, you must still inculcate the importance of learning Tamil and connecting with roots. After all, our language is one of the most important aspects that make us who we are.

Children can often forget this and subconsciously reject their roots and where they come from. So, make sure that your children know the importance of learning Tamil. Help them connect with their roots so that they know learning Tamil will help them in the long run.

How To Make Learning Tamil At Home Easier

Now that you understand the challenges you might face at home, it is time to come up with solutions that will help make learning Tamil at home easier. These solutions will help you develop a habit in your children to speak in Tamil and learn the language with ease.

So, here are all the ways you can adopt to make learning Tamil at home easier in no time:

1. Read Tamil Publications With Your Child

The first thing you can do to expose your child to the language outside of school is to read Tamil publications with them. For example, you read Manavar Murasu or other such Tamil newspapers. It will allow the child to understand what is happening and discuss the issues with you in Tamil.

Besides that, the children will also find the articles on teenage issues relatable and relevant. So, these publications will help them understand different perspectives in another language. Be sure to start your days by reading such publications with your children so that they can begin their day by speaking in Tamil.

2. Expose Your Child To Tamil Culture Through Dramas, Music, And More

A great way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in it through various aids. Some of these include drama, music, festivals, and much more. You can provide your child with an immersive Tamil experience by exposing them to Tamil music, drama, and other such things.

Of course, taking this step will help the child to be interested in the Tamil culture and the language. They will take a keen interest in the language and be eager to learn. It will also help them understand the language in different contexts outside of language learning.

3. Start Speaking In Tamil At Home

Everything begins at home for a child because this is where they spend most of their time. That is why you must create a rule at home that everyone will only speak in Tamil. Of course, this also means that you will also be speaking in Tamil so that your child can begin copying you and learning from you.

In the long run, this rule will help the child get out of their comfort zone and learn a language in the best way possible. The more that they follow this rule, the easier it will be for them to speak in Tamil. So, be sure to begin speaking in the language to help your child develop this language at home.

4. If Your Child Is Having Difficulties, Help Them Communicate

It is crucial that you don’t discourage your child from learning Tamil if they are having difficulties in the beginning. For example, if they make mistakes, then help them correct it in a polite manner. If you punish them for making mistakes or get angry, then they will not learn.

Instead, be there for your child during this time and help them build a Tamil vocabulary. When they can't finish a sentence or thought, be sure to do it for them and teach them how you did it and what it means. This will go a long way to guarantee that they can speak in Tamil as easily as possible.

5. Encourage Your Child To Write In Tamil

While children may be able to speak and converse in Tamil, it might be challenging for them to develop writing skills. That is why you can invest in basic Tamil books from India to help your kids learn the alphabet and writing skills. You can do some research and find books that will aid your children in the best way possible.

There are many workbooks that will teach your child the alphabet and basic writing skills. You can use these books as part of their practice at home, and this will help them work on their skills at home. The more resources you give your child, the better equipped they will be to learn Tamil.

6. Appreciate The Beauty Of The Language With Them Through Activities

Help your children appreciate the beauty of the Tamil language through certain activities. For example, you can take quizzes on Tamil riddles, proverbs, idioms, and much more. Doing these activities will help them appreciate the language in another light.

Besides that, it will also boost their information on Tamil vocabulary and sentences. This is a small yet significant way to increase the interest of your child in learning the language. So, be sure to use such activities often to keep it interesting.

7. Share Stories In Tamil

Stories are one of the best ways to captivate children and keep them engaged in learning. You can share stories in Tamil so that your child is more interested in the language and learns how to use words in different contexts.

Besides that, it will also help teach them the meaning of different Tamil proverbs and idioms in the context of the story.

Contextual understanding is crucial to language development, and this is where the use of stories comes in. Once you share stories in such a way, your child will also want to learn more. You can also share stories behind the Tamil proverbs and idioms that you use.

8. Explore The Tamil Culture And Tradition Together

Even though you are living in the West, it is still important for you to help your child connect with their roots, culture, and tradition. One of the best ways to do that is to help them explore this culture by taking part in customs and practices at home. It will help the child explore the traditions and understand the values behind them.

You can also make visits to places of interest that are related to Tamil culture and tradition. Such visits will keep them hooked and they will also be eager to learn more in no time. The key is to keep nurturing this interest for consistent results.

9. Purchase Tamil Learning Books

There are many Tamil books you can purchase to help your child learn the language. These include Tamil stories, vocabulary books, and much more. The ones you purchase depend on what you want to teach your child and how you want to go about it.

These books will prove to be a crucial part of their learning as they will serve as a resource for your children. So, be sure to find the latest Tamil books and invest in them for the best results.

10. Take A Trip To India So Children Can See Other People Speaking Tamil

Finally, if you really want to immerse your child in the language, then be sure to take a trip to India. It will allow the children to meet other people that speak fluent Tamil. Such exposure will help them understand the language even better and use it more frequently.

The children will meet relatives, grandparents, and other family and friends that will speak Tamil. Such exposure will give them a boost to learn the language and make the most use of it.

Final Thoughts

That was your complete guide to making it easy for your child to learn Tamil at home. You can follow all of these ways with consistency so that your child can learn the language without any issues. It is important to create an environment at home that will foster the learning of this language in the best way possible for long-term results.

Other reading materials:
6 Tried and Test Ways to Ace the PSLE Tamil

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Tutor City's blog focuses on balancing informative and relevant content, never at the expense of providing an enriching read. 

We want our readers to expand their horizons by learning more and find meaning to what they learn.

Resident author - Mr Wee Ben Sen, has a wealth of experience in crafting articles to provide valuable insights in the field of private education.

Ben Sen has also been running Tutor City, a leading home tuition agency in Singapore since 2010.