Part-Time Tutor I am a Female Chinese 38 year old tutor with 4 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
O Level - A2 Diploma-Others Bachelor of Arts - Australia
My Teaching Subject(s)
Primary - English , Chinese , Maths , Science O level - English, Geography , History , Literature , Social Studies A level - General Paper , Literature
A level holder from Anglo-Chinese JC
Post-graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
Bachelor of Arts from Australia
Ex-Teacher I am a Female Chinese 63 year old tutor with 21-23 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
Diploma-NIE Business - NUS
My Teaching Subject(s)
Primary - English , Chinese , Maths , Science O level - L. Sec Maths
I have been teaching for more than 20 years at local and top primary schools in Singapore. My last school was Clementi Town Primary school and I left many years ago.
Past schools:
Primary English, Maths & Science at Tao Nan Primary for 2 years
Primary English, Maths & Science at Haig Boys for 5 years.
I also taught at a specialist tuition centre for PSLE classes.
Part-Time Tutor I am a Male Chinese 36 year old tutor with 1 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
PSLE - Northland Primary O Level - B4
My Teaching Subject(s)
Pre-school - English, Chinese, Maths, Phonics Primary - English , Chinese , Maths , Science , Phonics O level - Chinese , L. Sec Maths, E Maths Computing - Web Design , Windows , MySQL
Undergrad I am a Male Chinese 34 year old tutor with 3 years' teaching experience.
My Qualification
O Level - St Gabriels Secondary School A Level - AJC
Accountancy - NTU
My Teaching Subject(s)
O level - English, Chinese , L. Sec Maths, L. Sec Science , E Maths , A Maths , Physics , Biology , Physics/Chem , Bio/Physics , Bio/Chem , Social Studies , Hist/S.Studies A level - Maths , Biology , Economics
I have 3 years of experience tutoring my fellow peers in Junior College. The whole class managed to get a place in the local Universities.
I am currently in NTU Accountancy.
English - A2 , Chinese - A1 , E Maths - A1 , A Maths - A1 , Physics - A2 , Chemistry - A2 , Biology - A1 , History/S.Studies - A2
H2 Maths - A , H2 Econs - A , H2 Bio - A , H2 Chem - B