Our agency regards verification of our tutor’s credentials as a key feature and priority. This is to ensure that the tutors we send to our clients’ place are credible and trustworthy.
Tutors are literally strangers who are stepping into your home for the first time. You will need assurances that the tutors are whom they claim to be and suitably qualified to teach you or your child. A tutor can claim that he/she has attained a certain qualification and quote a higher tuition rate, thus there needs to be checks done by our agency to ensure that the tutors’ credentials are valid. We believe the parents and students deserve to get what they pay for.
The Process of Verification
Collecting and verifying the documents is tedious and time-consuming work for our staffs. However, for the sake of parents and students, we persist in this method of collating information and verifying the tutors before they are sent to our client’s home.
To register as tutor, applicants are encouraged to upload a photograph and soft copies of their certificates which we will verify against their particulars.
Our staffs may be able to judge the tutors through the registration process via phone/SMS. There is a certain aspect which we do our best to verify but cannot guarantee, which is the validity of the tutor’s description regarding their past experiences especially for those who had been teaching for many years. We rely on parents’ feedback on tutors’ performances which we then pass on to new clients with similar requirements. Any tutor who is found lying about their experience or commitment is black-listed in our Search Tutors database.
During the first lesson, our tutors will have to bring along their certificates and other documents (e.g. teachers’ civil service cards) for our parents and students to verify. This is a ‘sure’ means of verification to further assure you that the tutor is whom they claim to be.
To our tutors
How to create soft-copy documents?
Scan your documents or use your phone camera, then send the image files to us. As long as the images are reasonably visible, with your full name shown on the documents, we will accept it as a document.
First lesson Verification
Do take note that for the first lesson, you will be required to bring your certificates and documents for verification by the parent.
Suggested documents for Verification
2) Birth Certificate
3) SAF 11B
4) Driving license
5) Passport
6) Visa for foreign student
7) Original certificates of degree/diploma/A level/O level
8) Transcript that indicates completion of course or status awarded
9) End of year 4 report for IP students (as 'O' level)
10) IB diploma/IB results slip (for those giving IB tuition)
Documents will be rejected if it is too blur, the logo or name is missing, etc.
We take a serious view on forgery and will refer culprits to the authorities for jurisdiction.
Steps to be a private tutor: