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How Can Econometrics Help You Understand Economic Data

Understanding economics and economic data utilize a multi-faceted approach that considers many things. There are various models that help us explain how economics and economic data work. Of course, most of these models are theoretical with little practical applicability.

That is a problem that econometrics curbs as it helps us quantify and analyze economic data. So, if you want to know how econometrics helps understand economic data, you have come to the right place. Here is what you must know.


The Basics Of Econometrics

Before we move on to understand how econometrics helps us understand economic data, you must know what it is. In simple terms, econometrics quantifies economic phenomena through mathematics, theory, and statistical inference. Besides that, the primary aim of econometrics is to turn theoretical economic models into tools that are useful for policymaking.

For example, one way it can do this is by turning qualitative statements into quantitative ones. As a result, econometrics can be used in many branches of economics. These include microeconomics, macroeconomics, labor economics, finance, and more.


The Econometrics Methodology

Here is the complete methodology of econometrics divided into various stages that will help you understand how it helps us understand economic data:

1. Theory And Hypothesis

The first thing that econometricians who are studying the dataset will do is suggest a hypothesis or theory that will explain the data. For example, during this stage, the econometricians will define variables found in the economic model and their relationship with one another. They will also use a hypothesis to explain this relationship.

One way they do this is by looking at the economic theories that already exist. They will look at this relationship between variables according to existing theories and then formulate a hypothesis.

2. Defining The Statistical Model

After formulating a hypothesis, the next step is to define the statistical model that will quantify the economic theory you are analyzing in the previous step. It aims to capture the essence of the theory that you are trying to test. The statistical model will propose a specific mathematical relationship between the explanatory and dependent variables, on which the theory is silent.

The most common method to develop a statistical model is to assume linearity. That means that if there is a change in an explanatory variable, then the dependent variable will also change in the same way. In simple terms, it is known as a straight-line relationship.

However, a catchall variable can also be added to the statistical model. Econometricians take such a step to complete the specification of the model. The primary aim of the catchall is to represent the dependent variable determinants that you can't account for because of the absence of data or its complexity.

3. Using A Statistical Procedure

The third step of the methodology involves using a statistical procedure to forecast any unknown points inside the statistical model. Almost all econometricians also use the best econometric software to aid them during the third stage. The software is usually used to estimate the unknown coefficients of the model.

Remember that this stage is perhaps the easiest part of the analysis as economic data is readily available, and so is the software. However, the garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) principle also applies here. That is because just something can be easily computed; it does not mean that it makes sense to do that.

4. Administering The Smell Test

The fourth stage is also by far the most important, which is to administer the smell test. Here are some questions you can answer using this:

  • Does the estimated economic model make sense and create meaningful economic predictions?
  • If the estimated model does not make sense, then should you change the statistical model to create better estimates?
  • Does a better estimate imply a significant effect economically?

These are the top three questions you must answer when you are administering the smell test. Remember that during this stage, the experience and skill of the econometrician are highly important, as that is what will determine success. However, another main tool you should have in your arsenal during this stage is hypothesis testing.

Hypothesis Testing

The fourth stage will be incomplete without hypothesis testing. This is a formal statistical procedure where you will make a specific statement about an economic parameter and its true value. After that, the statistical test will determine if the estimated parameter is consistent with the hypothesis.

If there is no consistency, then the researcher will have to reject the hypothesis. If you don't want to do that, then you will have to create new specifications in your statistical model and begin all over again. This aims to help you assess the economic model and its validity in no time.


The Basics Of Using Econometrics To Evaluate And Understand Economic Data

Remember that the methodology stated above is not set in stone, but most econometricians follow this approach. Econometricians also use many models to observe, study, and form observations of data sets, be it large or small. These are usually observational models that allow you to quickly estimate future economic trends based on the current explanatory data analysis and different estimators.

An econometrician will usually use such models to analyze the systems of inequalities and equations. For example, they can analyze the theory of demand and supply equilibrium. On the other hand, they can also predict how the market will change based on various economic factors, such as sales tax, domestic income, and much more.

Unfortunately, an econometrician can’t use controlled experiments to analyze and understand economic data. That is because it might lead to poor causal analysis, variable biases, and much more.


Econometric Methods That Will Help You Understand Economic Data

There are endless techniques and methods you can use in econometrics to help understand economic data in no time. However, we will state the most important methods that will help you fulfill this aim in no time. So, here are the top econometric methods that will aid you in analyzing economic data:

1. Regression

The topic of regression is incredibly broad, and many things go into it. However, there are various models under this method that will help you understand and analyze economic data. These include:

Linear Models

The linear model is one of the most popular techniques that is utilized for continuous dependent variables. There are two techniques inside linear models that include simple linear regression and multiple linear regression. For example, simple linear regression only has one dependent variable and is explained by one independent variable.

On the other hand, multiple linear regression has more than one explanatory variable. Remember that there are different variants inside linear models that will help you understand economic data in much more depth.

Count Data Models

These models are utilized to count data, for example, the number of muggings, as a function of covariates, such as income and unemployment. In such a case, ordinary regression will not work because it can predict non-integer or negative values. Such values don't make sense for count data models.

Panel Data Models

The panel data models are specialized techniques of the regression model that are utilized in modeling a time series data set. Remember that if you want to forecast time-dependent observations, then this is one of the most powerful methods you will find. In addition, econometricians use many techniques under this model, such as random effects, fixed effects, and pooled OLS.

Generalized Linear Models (GLM)

If your linear models have failed, then it is time for you to use GLM. That is because the outcome is continuous or count data, but it is not distributed normally. You will find three components in a GLM, which include a random component, a link function, and a systematic component.

The random component is an exponential family of probability distributions. On the other hand, the link functions generalized linear regression. Finally, the systematic component is a linear predictor.

2. Descriptive Statistics

If you are trying to do EDA (exploratory data analysis), then descriptive statistics is the ideal technique for you. That is because it will measure dispersion, central tendency, and the distribution of data using different statistical techniques. The measures of central tendency in econometrics are a set of middle values that represent all the observations inside a dataset.

There are various measures of central tendency that include mean, median, and mode. You must also understand distribution and dispersion to know how to analyze economic data using descriptive statistics.


The statistical distribution is a function of mathematics that is used to calculate or describe the probability of occurrence of observation inside the sample and how frequently it will occur.


Dispersion is used to quantify the variability inside a dataset. For example, how data is dispersed with respect to various central values. These include range, interquartile range, variance, standard deviation, and much more.

3. Forecasting

The analysis and understanding of economic data will not be useful without forecasting. There are many forecasting options you can choose. These include the techniques and tools that will help you forecast in no time.

The various forecasting tools are as follows:

Exponential Smoothing

Many people don't know this, but a time series will disintegrate into white noise, seasonality, and trends if it is decomposed. That is why for the purpose of forecasting, we can predict components, such as seasonality and trend. However, we can't predict the unpredictable terms that occur in a random manner.

Remember that exponential smoothing will easily handle this kind of variability in a series by smoothing out the white noise. There are different variants of exponential smoothing. These include Holt’s Linear Trend, Simple Exponential Smoothing, Holt-Winter Exponential Smoothing, and more.

Benchmark Forecasting

Benchmark forecasting is also known as baseline forecasting. Keep in mind that econometricians do not usually apply these techniques. However, they will help you build a solid forecasting intuition that you can use to add various layers of complexity.

There are different techniques you can use in benchmark forecasting as well. These include seasonal naïve, naïve, seasonal, mean, linear trend, random and geometric random walk, drift, etc.

4. Hypothesis Testing

Finally, another technique to analyze economic data is to test the hypothesis. This refers to the investigation of a claim against a null hypothesis (accepted facts). Such testing utilized sample data for the verification of the claim about the entire population.

Of course, it is not possible to question and survey everyone, which is why one takes the sample of the population and then tests it against the null hypothesis. The key to hypothesis testing is to measure the validity of the claim. You can do this in various ways, which include:


ANOVA is used when there is one independent variable with over two levels and one dependent variable. That is why you must go through your hypothesis and identify these variables to understand if you can apply the ANOVA test.


Another method is to use the t-test. When your hypothesis has one independent variable with two levels and one dependent variable, you can use this test.

Chi-Squared Test

Finally, there is the chi-squared test, which compares the observed against the expected outcomes. It will test the hypothesis and note the difference to adjust everything accordingly. So, you can use this test for hypothesis testing if you want to observe your hypothesis against an expected outcome.

Final Thoughts

That was your complete guide to how econometrics can help you understand economic data in no time. Of course, the process is comprehensive, and you must follow all the guidelines so that your analysis can be valid and meaningful. If there is any issue, then this will show up in your analysis and results.

Be sure to follow our guidelines and understand which tools and techniques you can apply to the economic data you have at your disposal.

If you have difficulties, get a professional economics tutor to help you out. Once you do, it will help you quantify the economic data and apply it practically without any hassle. So, follow all these guidelines and analyze your economic data in no time.

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Resident author - Mr Wee Ben Sen, has a wealth of experience in crafting articles to provide valuable insights in the field of private education.

Ben Sen has also been running Tutor City, a leading home tuition agency in Singapore since 2010.