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Looking for Preschool Home Tuition?

Get a certified early interventionist to help your toddler gain a headstart in his/her educational path!

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The Best Preschool Home Tutors In Singapore

Early childhood years are one of the most important years. That is the age where you have to set a foundation of many things to help your child achieve success later on in life. That is why preschool tuition is one of the most important things.

At Tutor City, we have thousands of preschool tutors who have set a strong foundation for many students over the years. Here is everything you need to know about our service.

Preschool Home Tuition

How much do Preschool tutors charge?

The average hourly fees for preschool tuition ranges from $30 per hour to $60 per hour, depending on the tutor's credentials, experience and the level to teach.

Tuition Rates
Per Hour

tutors 1


Teachers 2


$30 - $35

$35 - $40

$45 - $50


$30 - $35

$40 - $45

$45 - $60

Pri 1 Prep

$30 - $40

$45 - $60

$60 - $90

1. Includes students in polytechnics, universities and graduates tutoring part-time.
2. Teachers in student care centres, PCF, private kindergartens etc.
3. If your child has special needs, go to our SPED page to understand the certifications and fees that SPED teachers are quoting.

What To Expect From Tutor City’s Preschool Tuition

As a parent, you need to set expectations that the tutors have to meet when it comes to your child. That is because your expectations will help them understand the kind of tutoring environment you want for your child. That is why Tutor City aims to meet almost all your expectations.

We strive for excellence and here are some essential things you can expect from our preschool tuition service:

Helping your child develop an interest in learning through interactive and fun lessons
- Our tutors follow the MOE NEL (Nurturing Early Learners) Framework
- Helping your child develop the curiosity to learn new things
- Setting a solid foundation for basic skills such as Maths, English, and Mother Tongue
- Developing the reasoning, thinking, and problem-solving skills of your child
- Nurturing literacy skills
- Individual attention
- Encouraging confidence
- Encouraging active learning
- Learn from the comfort of your home

You can choose from our pool of thousands of qualified preschool tutors that just want the best for your child. You can count on us to provide a positive environment that will help your child to thrive. They will do great in preschool and their foundation of basic learning skills will become strong.

The best part is that our tutors cultivate curiosity and confidence in children. That means they will be interested in learning and try to understand things on their own too.

Common Challenges Faced By Preschool Students In Singapore

Every level of educations brings its set of challenges. Preschool is difficult for kids because it is a new environment for them and most times they don’t know what to do. Many think it is a fun experience and don’t take learning seriously.

At Tutor City, we have noticed these challenges in the thousands of students we teach every year. That is why we aim to help students overcome these problems so that they can learn better in the future. Some of the challenges we will help students overcome include:

- Lack of focus in class
- Short attention span
- Distractions around such as games and videos
- Problems with understanding numeracy and literacy skills
- Not enough confidence to speak up during classes
- Unable to keep up with the pace of preschool classes
- Poor social skills
- Children don't have strong foundation skills in Maths, Mother Tongue, and English to support an easy transition to Primary School
- Underdevelopment of problem-solving, thinking, and curiosity skills

During our tutoring sessions, we will help your child develop a strong foundation by cultivating these skills in them. It will allow them to be focused in school and classes so that we can help them ease their transition to Primary School in no time.

Benefits Of Preschool Tuition To Help Your Child

Now that you are familiar with the basics of our tutoring service, here are some of the benefits you will real from our preschool tuition service:

1. Building A Strong Foundation

Early years are formative and that is why children need to build a strong foundation during this time. Whatever skills they work on during this time will help them in the future. It will allow them to transition to Primary School with ease and they will not find it challenging to learn subjects at that level.

It is essential to help ease this transition on your child by opting for the best preschool tuition service. At Tutor City, we help students cultivate skills that will aid them significantly in Primary School. We will build a strong foundation so that they can always excel in their studies.

2. Interactive And Engaging Lessons

At such a young age, the attention span of children is incredibly low. They don’t have the mind to focus properly, which is why they can often stay behind. That is something our tutors understand and we help children by creating interactive and engaging lessons.

Our highly qualified preschool tutors will help your child become more attentive through engaging and interactive lessons that will keep them interested in the lesson. However, these lessons will also help them to reason and think so that their skills can be developed.

3. Cultivating Social Skills And Confidence

Children need to develop social skills at a young age otherwise they can tend to feel left out as they transition to higher levels of education. However, many children don’t have the confidence to talk to non-family members. That is where we come in as we believe in the holistic development of children.

Tutor City’s preschool tutors will help your child to develop social skills and build confidence so that they can easily talk to other people. It will allow them to speak in class and make new friends. Doing it now will help them in Primary School as they will have the confidence to talk to new students and teachers at that time.

4. Excellent Guidance

Our tutors are not just teachers; they are also mentors to the hundreds of students they teach. The primary aim of our highly qualified tutors is to help young children build writing, reading, and social skills. Focusing on this will help enhance your children's literacy skills as we all their confidence.

A combination of these skills will allow them to succeed in the future and excel in Primary School in no time. We believe in providing a holistic solution to tutoring and that is why our tutors will always guide your children. You can count on us to help your child excel in all areas.

5. Increased Curiosity And Interest In The World

Habits that are created at an early age help define the course of the children’s future. That is why it is essential to cultivate good habits in children. That is where we come in as our tutors will help children to have an increased curiosity and interest in the world.

They will be taught to ask questions about what they observe in their everyday life. It will allow them to think deeply and broadly about various things that surround their environment. Asking questions is essential because it helps children understand that there is more to explore in everything that they observe daily.

Which Levels And Subjects Do Preschool Tutors Teach?

You can choose from our pool of highly qualified teachers who provide the following preschool tuition services:

Preschool English, Phonics, Creative Writing
- Preschool Maths
- Music
- Art
- Preschool Malay
- Preschool Chinese
- Preschool Tamil

We believe in providing a full range of solutions when it comes to our tutoring service. That is why we have tutors of all these levels and much more. These subjects will help your child set a foundation for further education.

Here are some of the Preschool Languages Topics we cover:
- Comprehension
- Grammar
- Alphabets
- Vocabulary
- Phonics
- Reading
- Emergent Reading
- Writing
- Word Recognition
- Book Awareness
- And much more

Here are some of the Preschool Maths Topics we cover:
- Spatial Concepts
- Numbers
- Counting
- Shapes
- Simple Patterns and Relationships
- And much more

Here are some of the Preschool Social Skills Topics we cover:
- Communicating
- Classifying
- Comparing
- Recording
- Predicting
- Observing
- Experimenting
- And much more

Here are some of the Preschool Art Topics we cover:
- Creation of Art from Imagination
- Creation of Art from Observation
- Creation of Artworks
- Recognitions of Elements (Textures, Colours, Lines, and Shapes)
- Observation of Art in the Environment
- Expression Through Art
- Use of Art Tools and Body Parts
- And much more

Here are some of the Preschool Music Topics we cover:
- Creation of Sound Effects and Movements using Imagination
- Creation of Actions and Verses to Songs
- Improvisation of Rhythms
- Expression Through Body Movements
- Singing
- Awareness of Music Elements
- Recognition of Sounds
- Recognition of Music Elements (Rhythm, Dynamics, Pitch, and Tempo)
- And much more


Skills Taught By Preschool Tutors At Tutor City

Having the right skills at this age will determine the course of the future of your child. It will help them excel in Primary School and higher levels of education. That is why our tutors leave no stone unturned when it comes to cultivating the right skills in your children.

At Tutor City, we build the following skills in your children through our preschool tuition service:
- Familiarity with Phonics and Alphabets
- Knowledge of vocabulary to help them in expression
- Developing an interest in learning
- Developing curiosity to learn
- Clear communication skills
- Strong foundation skills that will help them ahead in education
- Strong book and print awareness
- Recognition of numbers
- Counting accurately
- Recognition of shapes, patterns, positions, and orders
- Recognizing and writing their names
- Curiosity and knowledge of their surrounding environment
- Understanding and following written and verbal cues
- Awareness of self
- Awareness of surroundings
- And much more

During our tutoring sessions, we assess the skills that students lack. Once we understand this, we work towards cultivating these skills so students can excel ahead. These skills will help them throughout their life and that is why we ensure they are ingrained in the students during our learning sessions.

What Makes A Good Preschool Tutor: Important Traits To Look For

Here are some of the top essential qualities you should look for in a preschool tutor:

1. Familiarity With The MOE NEL Curriculum

There are no examinations that take place at the Preschool level. That is why tutors need to familiarize themselves with the NEL curriculum. It will help students develop holistically so they can experience optimal development in all areas.

At Tutor City, we include if the tutor is familiar with the curriculum in our teacher profiles. It will allow you to make an informed decision of whether you should opt for the tutor or not. After all, you need to set the right expectations before you confirm the preschool tuition arrangements.

2. Preparation For Primary School

Preschool tutors need to have the ability to prepare children for Primary School. That is why they need to have the right skills to develop the foundational skills of children. Tutors need to cultivate great studying and learning habits to help children in Primary School.

At Tutor City, we only have experienced teachers that will aid the journey of your child. Many have been formally trained to teach such students and so they will be adequately prepared to teach your child. We include all such relevant information in the tutor’s profiles so you can make the right decision.

3. Testimonials From Previous Clients

Each child has a different learning style. They also have different strengths and weaknesses. That is when selecting a tutor, you must read previous testimonials from previous parents and students. It will help you understanding if they are the right fit for your child.

At Tutor City, we always include testimonials and feedback from the previous clients of the tutor. It will help you understand whether they are safe to engage in and the right choice for you. We leave no stone unturned in ensuring that you make the right choice.

Tutor City is Singapore's #1 Preschool Tuition Agency

Preschool is a crucial stage for all children. It is the time where they build habits, develop social and learning skills, and are groomed to have a positive outlook, good moral values, and much more. All of this is important in helping them succeed in the future.

That is why you need to opt for a Preschool Tuition service. It will allow your child to build the skills they need to excel in their future. It will help them in Primary School as they will develop a positive learning outlook that will make their education journey enjoyable.

Primary School can be overwhelming and that is why students need to familiarize themselves with such an environment beforehand. Tutors can help children build the right skills and grasp difficult topics so that they can face less pressure and stress in Primary School. If you are looking for the best Preschool tutor for your child, feel free to get in touch with us now


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Optional.e.g $30/hr or $300 as month (e.g any weekdays after 3:00pm. Having too strict to timing may lession your chance of engaging better tutors)

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Visit our Search Tutors or Request a Tutor page, or call 90672547. You can also send an email to info@tutorcity.sg.
Go to our Search Tutor page and shortlist the tutors you want to hire. Our form filter allows you to specify the tutor attributes so you can choose the most suitable ones. Once you are ready, click on 'Submit Shortlist' and complete the form. We will contact the shortlisted tutors and advise you on which ones are available.
We encourage tutors to upload scanned copies of their certificates in their online profile or email to us. For those who do not upload their certificates, we will instruct tutors to bring their certificates during the 1st lesson for verification. We will then verify their certificates against the information they provided.
No. You may terminate the tuition at any time if you are dissatisfied with the tutor’s services. You only need to pay for the lessons taught. If you decide to terminate the tuition, please inform us as we gather feedback on our tutors regularly to provide you with the best service.
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