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Need Principles of Accounting Tuition?

Tutor City's expert POA teachers are well-trained in A//N/O-Level Accounting tuition in Singapore. Our top notch POA tutors helps your child excel in Accounting by mastering key financial concepts and principles.

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Master POA with Singapore's best Accounting tutors

Accounting as a key O and A level subject

While there are subjects that are simply a walk in the park, there are some academic subjects that are extremely challenging for students such as Principles of Accounts (POA) which is offered from Secondary 3 to O level and IGCSE for international students. POA is a subject that requires strong mathematical thinking skills and is a valuable asset for careers in accounting.

Many secondary students find it challenging at first as it is the first time they encounter large volumes of data to analyse. Scoring A1 in this subject is difficult and parents often engage POA tutors to help their kids cope. 

If you’re one of those burdened by POA, then you have come to the right place! Tutor City provides specialist POA tutors for all levels from Secondary (O level) and JC (A level), to diploma and degree level Accounting-related modules.

POA Accounting Tuition
Struggling with Accounting? Get A POA Tutor Now!

How Accounting Home Tuition Can Help Your Child Excel in POA

1. Certified Accountancy Tutors: Our Accounts tuition teachers are very savvy with financial principles and familiar with the requirements of O level, N level, CPA, CFA, book-keeping and diploma/degree level accounting.

2. Privacy: In a 1-to-1 setting, students are less shy about asking Accountancy questions as compared to a group-setting where they fear being laughed at by their classmates.

3. Sharing of tips: An accounting tutor share tips on how to understand complex formulas, break down data into bit-sized information and remove barriers to understanding financial concepts.

4. Flexibility: You can set the lesson days for principles of accounts tuition according to your child's schedule. Your child have hectic school timetable and often have to find pockets of time to have tuition.

5. Customised study plan: A good Accounting tutor Singapore can provide a customised lesson plan to tackle study pain-points and weak topics, which cannot be done in a classroom or tuition centre.

6. Building an interest: POA home tutors can build interest in an otherwise boring subject, by using practical methods and sharing of life stories about their accounting careers.


How much do POA / Accounting tutors charge?

The average hourly fees for POA tuition ranges from $35 per hour to $100 per hour, depending on the tutor's credentials, experience and the level to teach.


Tuition Rates
Per Hour

tutors 1



Sec 3

$35 - $50

$60 - $70

$75 - $90

Sec 4

$40 - $50

$60 - $70

$75 - $100


$40 - $50

$60 - $70

$75 - $100


$50 - $60

$70 - $80

$90 - $120

Degree & Diploma

$60 - $80

$90 - $100

$110 - $120

1. Includes students in universities and graduates tutoring part-time.
2. Offered to students in Millenia Institute A-level program.

How Tutor City Can Help You Find The Best Accountancy tutor

1. Big Database Of Tutors To Choose From

We have a wide database of private POA tutors who are familiar with the latest accounting practices in Singapore that adhere to the MOE syallabus and professional certifications eg. CFA, CPA.

They have been teaching all levels ranging from O level POA tuition, N level POA tuition, A level POA tuition, Diploma, Degree undergrads from all universities and private schools. Our tutors are determined to help students to achieve academic excellence. 

5 Difficult Accounting Topics
Need a POA tutor urgently? Call 90672547 or make a free request online

2. Wide Range Of Accounting Topics Taught By Our POA Tutors

- Basic book-keeping
- Balance sheet preparation
- Financial statement analysis
- Cash Book / journals
- Role of financial managers
- Double-entry system
- Shares and Types of Company entities
- And many more...

Our tutors also teach for the following levels:
O Level POA Tuition, Secondary POA Tuition
N Level POA Tuition
A Level POA Tuition, H2 POA Tuition
JC POA Tuition

3. Understand The Curriculum Requirements For POA 

When students first select Principles of Accounts (POA) in their O-Levels, they are unsure what to expect from the subject. Over time, there are many challenges faced by the students in terms of understanding concepts, solving questions, and even adapting to the learning styles of the teachers.

One of the most common challenges faced by students of POA is tackling questions of topics such as cost-profit analysis, investment appraisal, and operations management. Since a majority of students find these topics fairly difficult to understand, the need for POA tuition in Singapore is on the rise.

If students do not have a strong prior understanding of mathematical concepts, then performing calculations for financial statements in POA becomes incredibly challenging. With the wrong calculations or formulae, students are unable to prepare accurate balance sheets and income statements. In every POA O-Level exam, at least one lengthy question to construct a manufacturing account, income statement, and balance sheet is given. In order to secure a good grade in the subject, knowing how to solve these questions is essential.

Another important part of the POA O-Level exam is the use of financial ratios. Many students tend to confuse the formulae of different ratio analyses, thus resulting in inaccurate results. This challenge faced by students impacts their overall grade because the use of wrong formulae in the exam can result in the cancellation of entire question based on financial ratio analysis.

Students also find it difficult to understand and analyze complicated case studies. If an entire case is presented to them, most students are unable to locate the key information and use it for their accounting analysis. With poor technique or inaccurate structuring of the answers, students are unable to score an ‘A’ grade in their exam.

The POA O-Level exam also includes multiple choice questions that require a thorough understanding of definitions and accounting theories. For students who do not have a strong foundation of accounting, solving these questions becomes a huge challenge.

Why Study POA Since It Is So Difficult?

POA students in Singapore face many struggles in their quest to get that distinction. They have to grasp financial concepts, prepare presentations, digest jargons and process technical accounting principles, all in the span of 2-3 years. They also have to grapple with 5-7 other subjects for their O or N levels, hence achieving that balance is a mountain of a task.

What is the benefit then, one might ask?

Jobs in Finance and Accounting can be very lucrative. Achieving that CPA or CFA lead to job avenues such as CFO, Financial Auditors, Accountancy Managers, Lecturers, earning between $10,000 to $30,000 monthly or higher. One can also consider setting up your own accoutancy agency to provide book-keeping and auditing services. This is one reason why financial accounting tutor is in greater demand these days.

Accounting is an all-round subject in which a degree in Accountancy can spearhead your child's career into this lucrative field.

Why study POA in the first place?

For students in Singapore, Principles of Accounting or POA is a primary subject offered as part of the O-Level examinations in secondary school. With this foundational accounting knowledge, students can have a clear pathway towards polytechnic education in Singapore which is becoming fairly common. The Singapore Polytechnic accountancy course is amongst the most competitive ones in this field of study, despite having the highest ever intakes in previous years.

Amongst the many GCE O-Level subjects offered to secondary school students in Singapore, Principles of Accounting is certainly one of the most practical ones. All of the concepts learnt in POA can have direct real-life applications by paving the path towards future careers in business and finance management.

Since POA has many complicated concepts to understand, many students turn towards POA tuitions to aid their understanding. With POA tuitions in Singapore, students can have access to one-to-one teaching from qualified teachers who can help secondary school students secure a good grade in their final O-Level examinations.

Learn Accounting
Give your child a boost in Accounting now!


POA Is Offered At Various Educational Levels 

POA tuition cater to two educational levels: secondary school and junior college. While the fundamentals of accounting remain the same at both levels, different course curriculums are followed by POA tutors in order to prepare students for examination.

At the secondary school or N/O level, POA tutors are focused on topics such as the roles of accounting, information systems, and the different elements in financial statements. At this level, it is also essential for students to know how to construct different financial statements including the manufacturing account, income statement, and balance sheet. Businesses entities such as loans and debts should also be studied in detail. Other topics such as financial ratio analysis is also important in order to carefully analyze the financial position of any business organization.

At the junior college or H2 POA level, more complex forms of accounting are taught to students. With an integration with economics, POA tuitions teach students about various business and economic activities and how to present them with financial accounting.

While students have learnt about various accounting errors at the secondary school level, they are taught to correct these errors and reconstruct accounts such as bad debts at the junior college level. More basics such as accounting principles and assumptions are revised, and new concepts such as the accounting cycle and measurements are also added to the course content.

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Important Qualities To Look For In A POA tutor

When you search for a POA tutor in Singapore, here are a few qualities that you should look for:

1. Dedication Towards Teaching

The best POA tutor for your child should be able to invest a considerable amount of time in the learning and progress of the student. When a teacher is dedicated towards teaching, they will be motivated enough to cater to the individual needs of every student and remain consistent with their teaching styles.

2. Past Student Reviews

If a POA tutor has good reviews from other students, chances are that they are great at their job. Remember to check the academic performance and improvement statistics of students that the teacher had tutored in the past. This will give you an accurate idea regarding the skills and expertise of the teacher.

3. Teaching Qualifications

Apart from student reviews, qualifications are also an important factor to consider whilst choosing a POA teacher. MOE and NIE trained teachers in Singapore tend to be the most qualified in POA. Other tutors such as those who work part-time may be students who have recently given their own POA examinations and are now tutoring other students. Regardless of your requirement, any effective POA tutor should have an academic qualification in the field of accounting.

Tutor City is the #1 POA Tuition Agency In Singapore

While education in Singapore can be a stressful experience for students, POA tuition can make their academic struggle much easier. With a tutor that is able to help them overcome their fear of accounting and understand concepts in simple ways, students can perform better both academically and socially.

Building a strong foundation in POA is essential if a student wishes to pursue any business or finance field in the future. With an effective POA tuition, students will be able to exemplify their skills in an otherwise competitive industry and score exceptionally well in their examinations.


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Optional.e.g $30/hr or $300 as month (e.g any weekdays after 3:00pm. Having too strict to timing may lession your chance of engaging better tutors)

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Visit our Search Tutors or Request a Tutor page, or call 90672547. You can also send an email to info@tutorcity.sg.
Go to our Search Tutor page and shortlist the tutors you want to hire. Our form filter allows you to specify the tutor attributes so you can choose the most suitable ones. Once you are ready, click on 'Submit Shortlist' and complete the form. We will contact the shortlisted tutors and advise you on which ones are available.
We encourage tutors to upload scanned copies of their certificates in their online profile or email to us. For those who do not upload their certificates, we will instruct tutors to bring their certificates during the 1st lesson for verification. We will then verify their certificates against the information they provided.
No. You may terminate the tuition at any time if you are dissatisfied with the tutor’s services. You only need to pay for the lessons taught. If you decide to terminate the tuition, please inform us as we gather feedback on our tutors regularly to provide you with the best service.
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