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Overview Of The Edusave Scholarship Award In Singapore

Singapore has always introduced grants and policies to help its population, especially in the education sector. The government is always trying to ease the burden of parents and motivating students to do better.

So, of course, it is no surprise that there is an Edusave Scholarship Award for students that display exemplary behaviour and are doing academically well. The award is for almost all education levels and here is everything you need to know about it.


Why The Edusave Scholarship Award Was Introduced?

These awards are provided by the government to students that do well in school. This isn’t just about academics. The award is given to both academically exceptional students and also ones that excel in other areas.

Read also: Edusave Awards and Scholarships

It focuses on both the academic and non-academic aspect of an individual. For example, apart from academics some awards also focus on character, service, and leadership skills of a student.

It was introduced so students can be motivated to work on these skills even further so they can reach their potential. However, the amount a student will get depends on a few factors as they have to be eligible to get it.

As a general rule of thumb, around 2% of students from each school are selected for the Edusave Character Award (ECA). Once this is done, then there also may be an interview after which the decision is made.

Do remember that there is no random selection. Students are picked according to the recommendations of the teachers. Once they have been recommended then the relevant authorities can decide if they are eligible and worthy of the award.

On the other hand, for the Edusave Award for Achievement, Good Leadership, and Service (EAGLES) only 10% of students are selected from every school. Again, this will be based on the recommendation of the teachers.

These were the awards that are focused on non-academic qualities. However, there are a variety of different Edusave Awards that are focused on academics. One of the most common is the Edusave Good Progress Award.

This award is given to students who are in the top 10% of their school. This means they are good in academics and they express exemplary behaviour as well.

Let’s dive into the details of the different scholarships that are within the Edusave Awards.


Edusave Awards And Scholarships For Primary Schools

Since there are different awards and amounts for different levels, let’s first start with the primary school award and scholarships. In this category, there are five different types of scholarships and awards. These include:

Edusave Character Award
Edusave Scholarships for specialised, government-aided, and government schools
Edusave Merit Bursary (EMB)
Edusave Good Progress Award (GPA)

The Edusave Character Award will be given to students who show good conduct and unique qualities apart from academics. This is a purely non-academic award. It will be given to 2% of students from every school. The award amount for Primary 1 to 3 will be $200 and for Primary 4 to 6 will be $350.

The Edusave scholarships will be awarded to students who come in the top 10% of their schools level. This will be based on both good academic performance and good behaviour. The award amount for this will be for Primary 5 to 6 and will be around $350.

The EAGLES award will be given to students who show leadership skills, exemplary behaviour, provide services to schools and community, and are excellent in non-academic activities. The amount for this award is $250 and will be given to Primary 4 to 6.

The EMB award has different amounts and criteria for Primary Levels 1 and 2 and other levels. To be eligible for Primary 1 and 2, students will have to show good behaviour, positive learning, and the monthly household income should not be above $6,900 or the per capita income should not be above $1,725.

For the other levels, students within the 25% of their schools that have good academic performance, good behaviour, and the monthly household income below $6,900 or the per capita income below $1,725 will be given the EMB. However, if they are already receiving an Edusave scholarship then they will not get this. The amount for Primary 1 to 3 is $200 and Primary 4 to 6 is $250.

For the GPA, students who did not qualify for the EMB but still showed the same qualities will receive this. This is for Primary 2 and 3. However, for other levels, students who are within the top 10% of their school in terms of behaviour and academic performance will be awarded this. The amount for Primary 2 and 3 will be $100 and the amount for Primary 4 to 6 will be $150.

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Edusave Awards And Scholarships For Secondary And Specialised Schools

These also have the same 5 awards although it has one more and that is known as the Edusave Skills Award. The Edusave Character Award is for 2% of students in every school that show good conduct and unique qualities apart from academics. The award amount for both secondary and specialised schools is $500.

The Edusave Skills Award is for 10% of students who are about to graduate and have shown great conduct and amazing professional and soft skills during their time of the study. This award is for specialised schools only and the amount is $500.

The Edusave scholarships will be awarded to students who come in the top 10% of their schools level. This will be based on both good academic performance and good behaviour. The amount for both secondary and specialised schools will be $500.

The EAGLES award will be given to students who show leadership skills, exemplary behaviour, provide services to schools and community, and are excellent in activities that are non-academic and the award for secondary schools will be $350 and specialised schools will be $500.

The EMB award will be given to students who are in the top 25% of their school in terms of good behaviour and academic performance. To be eligible, their household income should be below or at $6,900 or their per capita income should be below or at $1,725. The amount for secondary schools will be $350 and for specialised schools will be $500.

The GPA will be awarded to students who are within the top 10% of their school in terms of behaviour and academic performance. The amount for secondary schools is at $200 and specialised schools are at $400.

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Edusave Awards And Scholarships For Post-Secondary Schools

Awards and scholarships included in this are:

Edusave Character Award
Edusave Skills Award

The Edusave Character Award is for 2% of students in every school that show good conduct and unique qualities apart from academics. The award amount for the pre-university or ITE is $500.

The Edusave Skills Award is for 10% of students who are about to graduate and have shown great conduct and amazing professional and soft skills during their time of the study. The award amount for the ITE or polytechnic is $500.

The EAGLES award will be given to 10% of students who show leadership skills, exemplary behaviour, provide services to schools and community, and are excellent in non-academic activities. The amount for pre-university is $400 and ITE is $500.

The EMB award will be given to students who are in the top 25% of their school in terms of good behaviour and academic performance. To be eligible, their household income should be below or at $6,900 or their per capita income should be below or at $1,725. Students who are already receiving an Edusave scholarship will not be eligible for this. The amount for pre-university is $400 and ITE or polytechnic is $500.

The GPA will be awarded to students who are within the top 10% of their school in terms of behaviour and academic performance. Do remember that Millennia Institute students or Junior College students who are receiving the EMB award or any Edusave scholarship will not be eligible for this. The amount for pre-university is $250 and ITE or polytechnic is $400.

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Edusave Achievement Award

This is the last award and it is for students who are enrolled in special education schools. The eligibility criterion for this differs from school to school as it is dependent on them. So, to check this you will have to contact the school first and check if your kid is eligible.

Apart from that, the amount of this award also varies from school to school. Some schools may give a lower award amount and some may give a higher award amount. The complete details of this award will be provided to you by the school your kid is enrolled in.

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Final Words

This is all you need to know about the Edusave Scholarships and Awards. All school students will receive their awards in the form of a cheque. On the other hand, the students of ITE and polytechnics will receive their award money in their bank account.

You can contact your relevant institute or the Ministry of Education to get more information about this process.

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Tutor City's blog focuses on balancing informative and relevant content, never at the expense of providing an enriching read. 

We want our readers to expand their horizons by learning more and find meaning to what they learn.

Resident author - Mr Wee Ben Sen, has a wealth of experience in crafting articles to provide valuable insights in the field of private education.

Ben Sen has also been running Tutor City, a leading home tuition agency in Singapore since 2010.